
包括其作者 作者有哪些作品 写作风格 呼啸山庄故事介绍 这个故事蕴含的深层含义 不要网上直接拉下来 最好是自己写的


Wuthering Heights is the work of Emily Bronte, one of the Bronte sisters, and one of the representative works of English literature in the 19th century. The novel describes the abandoned Gypsy son Heathcliff, who was adopted by the old owner of the villa, went out to become rich because of humiliation and failed love.

When he returned, he retaliated against Linton, the landlord who married his girlfriend Catherine, and his children. The whole article is full of a strong spirit of struggle against oppression and happiness, and is always covered with a strange and tense romantic atmosphere. This work has been adapted into film works many times.









参考资料来源:百度百科—呼啸山庄 (艾米莉·勃朗特著长篇小说)

第1个回答  2014-03-12
There is a thin line between love and hate, and once Heathcliff crosses it, we see a grand, passionate and absorbingly interesting man turn into a fearsome thug. Thwarted in his love for his childhood soulmate, Catherine Earnshaw, Heathcliff turns his devastation outward, becoming a hateful -- and hated -- person all across the bleak moors that surround his Yorkshire village. Heathcliff courts and marries the sister of the man whom Catherine chose over Heathcliff, only to torture her emotionally as a way of getting even with her brother. Meanwhile, Catherine slowly wastes away pining for Heathcliff, for although she once rejected him, she eventually realizes that she has made an irredeemable error and can never be happy. Heathcliff sums up the tragedy of their lives in a single question near the end of the novel when he asks, "Why did you betray your heart, Cathy?" Sound depressing? It's not. Wuthering Heights is a grand and glorious novel that dramatically illustrates the power of love, for good and ill. But more importantly, it teaches us that the only path to happiness is to be true to one's heart, rather than one's head. Had Catherine honored her bond with Heathcliff and refused to bow to the social mores of her day, not only would the two of them been much happier, but all of the many people whose lives they stumbled into would have been much better off. Another reviewer said that those of us who love this novel probably have a strong identification with one of the characters, and for me that is quite true. That's the reason for reading a classic like Wuthering Heights, because when it speaks to you in the clear and true way that Bronte does, you know that you are not alone, and that some things transcend time and place. Think about it -- a prim, Victorian preacher's daughter living on the moors of England before there was electricity can reach across 150 years of time and speak to the heart of a wired American in the 21st century. Pretty amazing.
