

drink的过去式:drank,过去分词:drunk 过去式drank 英 [dr??k] 美 [dr??k] v.喝酒;饮;喝(酒)( drink的过去式 );(尤指)酗酒例句: 1. They drank one bottle of wine. 他们喝了一瓶葡萄酒。 2. Between them they drank away every cent. 他们俩把身上的钱都喝光了。 3. He drank so much that nothing he had would stay down. 他喝的酒太多了,他会把吃的东西全都呕吐出来。 4. When she saw me, she laughed and snorted what she drank. 她一看到我就大笑起来,把喝在嘴里的饮料全喷了出来。 5. I wonder what would happen if I drank this potion. 我想知道如果我喝掉这药水会发生什么。过去分词:drunk 英 [dr??k] 美 [dr??k] adj.醉的;沉醉;陶醉的;飘飘然 n.醉汉,酒鬼,酗酒者 v.喝(酒)( drink的过去分词);饮;喝酒;(尤指)酗酒例句: 1. He must be either mad or drunk. 他要么是疯了,要么是喝醉了。 2. Last night I got drunk and rolfed my dinner. 昨天晚上我喝醉了,把晚饭全吐出来了。 3. The rest of us might as well be driving drunk. 我们其余的人还不如驾驶喝醉了。 4. He says the captain could have been drunk. 他称这名船长可能是喝醉了酒。 5. I could still walk, but it was like I was drunk. 我还可以移动几步,但是看起来我好像是喝醉了酒似的。 drink 英[dr??k] 美[dr??k] vt. 喝酒; 饮; 喝(酒);(尤指) 酗酒; vt. 吸收,吸入; n. 酒,饮料; 酒宴; 一杯或一份酒;第三人称单数:drinks,复数:drinks,现在分词:drinking 例句: 1. We drink whisky mixed with beer. 我们喝掺有啤酒的威士忌。 2. You should drink less. 你应该少喝酒。 3. He spritzed a little soda in his drink. 他往饮料里喷了一点儿苏打水。 4. He likes to drink whisky chased down with beer. 他喜欢喝了威士忌酒以后紧接着又喝啤酒。 5. This is a kind of white wine that will drink deliciously for many years. 这是一种许多年后喝起来仍甘美爽口的白葡萄酒。