

b..他们是在慎重的考虑之后才决定离开家乡在巴黎定居下来。(用It was...that...)

c.警察不知该如何解释这一事件。(用at a loss)


e.那个男孩向他的老师报告了这一偷窃行为,而她又向校长汇报了。(用in turn)

f.Rose要求出租车司机走Brook大街,而不要走Baker大街,因为Baker大街那里正在修路。(用the latter)

a.Hardly had I fall asleep when I was waken up by a round of hasty bangings on the door.
b.It was their careful consideration that made them decide to leave their home and settle in Paris.
c.The police was at a loss on explaining this matter.
d. Regardless of the costs, the father buys everything his daughter wishes to have.
e. The boy reported all the information regarding the stealing to his teacher, and the teacher reported to the principal in turn.

f. Rose requested the taxi driver to take the Brook Street instead of the Baker Way because the latter is under construction.
第1个回答  2009-05-27

a. Hardly door-knocking woke me up when I almost fell asleep last night.

b. It was after careful consideratin that they determined to leave their hometown and settle to Paris.

c. The policemen are at a loss how to explain this case.

d. He buys whatever his daughter wants regardless how much money that will cost him.

e. The boy informed the theft to his teacher, and she informed to the headmaster in turn.

f. Rose required the taxi drive to go through Brook Street instead of Baker Street, because the latter was being repaired.