

海伦凯勒,1880年出生于美国。她出生十九个月后还没说话就丧失了视力和听力,这对一个孩子来讲是残酷的,她的老师Mrs。Anne Sullivan在她七岁来到她身边。开启了她的早期教育,anne是个善良的人,她帮助海伦凯勒感受爱,学习知识,在她的帮助下,海伦完成了大学学业,学会了打字,精通法语和德语,她毕生致力于对聋哑残疾人的国际化服务,她的自传The story of my life,至今激励着世界各地的人们,还有假如给我三天光明,都给深深鼓励着人们,我们需要海伦的精神,战胜命运的不公,使自己变得有意义。

Helen Keller, was born in the United States in 1880. She was born after nine months of 10 not to speak on the loss of eyesight and hearing, which is brutal in terms of a child, and her teacher Mrs. In her seven-year-old Anne Sullivan came to her. Opened her early education, anne is a kind-hearted person, she helped Helen Keller feel love, to learn the knowledge, the help of her, Helen completed a university education, learn typing, proficient in French and German, her life-long commitment to deaf people with the internationalization of services, and her autobiography, The story of my life, has inspired people around the world, give me three days if there are bright people had been deeply encouraging, we need the spirit of Helen, the fight against the fate of injustice, make itself meaningful.