

它有着非常灵敏的嗅觉,同时它还是人类最忠实的朋友。你知道他是什么吗?对了,它就是狗!And my favorite animal is dog
有一天上午,我去拜访我的叔叔,一进门就见到了一只棕色的小狗,它正在追着自己的尾巴转圈圈,我见了就忍不住笑了:多笨的狗啊!当小狗看见我的时候,就向我冲了过来,使劲地摇着它的尾巴,用一双圆圆的眼睛看着我,一副热情的样子。叔叔抱起它,并示意我摸它的背部。我小心翼翼地把手伸过去,轻轻地抚摸着它,它很乖,静静地躺在叔叔的怀里。叔叔告诉我它是个女孩。So I call her Jessica.

杰西卡不但喜欢跟着我,还喜欢盯着我看。我在厨房准备把菜端出来,它就抬头盯着我看,等我迈步的那一刹,它也准备走了,可以头没及时跟过来,只听得“咚” ,它那硬实的头撞门框上了,我低头看着它,边走边笑:哈哈,这傻狗....突然,又“咚” ,我硬实的头也撞门框上了......
第1个回答  2009-05-29
It has a very keen sense of smell, it is the most loyal friend. Do you know what he is? Right, it's a dog! And my favorite jue dog is
At first I was a little afraid of dogs, because of my friends have a dog, it's not very friendly to me always. But since my uncle have a dog, I slowly like a dog.
One morning, I went to visit my uncle, a door see a brown dog, it is chasing its own tail turning around, I couldn't help laughing: stupid dog! When the dog saw me and came to me, hard shook its tail, use a pair of round eyes looking at me, a pair of enthusiasm. Uncle took it, and motioned me touched it back. I carefully hand gently stroked its past, and it is very good, lay quietly on the uncle's bosom. Uncle told me it was a girl. I call Jessica of both.
From then on, I would like to Jessica, and every week to visit her. When I entered, her excitement, immediately attacked me, follow me. When I sit in a chair when watching TV, she will quietly in the coming on my feet, bend, shortly after unexpectedly asleep, I clap her, she woke up and look at me, and then fell asleep. When I want to leave, she will be very quickly put my shoes, but every time I get my uncle's shoes.
Jessica like not only follow me, like watching me. I take the dishes in the kitchen ready, it looked stared at me, I stepped the brake, it is ready to go, can not with the back, head only hear "dong", it is the hard banged on the door, I looked at it, laugh: ha ha, this stupid dog. Suddenly, and "dong", my head is hard hit the woodwork...
This is a stupid but Jessica and clever lovely dog.
第2个回答  2009-05-29
It has a very sensitive sense of smell, at the same time it is mankind's most faithful friend. You know he is? Yes, it is a dog! And my favorite animal is dog

     At first I was a bit afraid of dogs, because my friend has a dog, it is not always friendly to me. However, since my uncle raising a puppy, I slowly like a dog.

     One day morning, I went to visit my uncle, a door to see a brown dog, which is chasing its own tail转圈圈, I met with could not help but laugh on:狗啊more stupid! When the dog saw me, they rushed over to me, hard and shaking its tail, with a pair of round eyes looked at me like a passion. Uncle picked it, and indicate my摸它back. I carefully hand over and gently stroked it, it很乖, quietly lying on his uncle's arms. Uncle told me it was a girl. So I call her Jessica.

     Since then, I love Jessica, and every week to pay her a visit. Every time I come, she is special excitement, immediately bore down on me, follow me into the past. When I sat in a chair watching television, she will quietly go to get down on my feet, actually fell asleep shortly after, I patted her, she only woke up to see me, and then went to sleep . When I want to leave, she will very quickly help me get over the shoes, but each time holding the shoes are my uncle.

      Jessica not only likes to follow me, I do not like to stare at. Cook in the kitchen, I prepared to end up staring at it I see the rise, and so I move that一刹, it is also prepared to go, you can not in time with the first round, only to hear "boom", which is the first hard hit the door frame, and I looked down at it, go laugh: Ha ha, this stupid dog .... All of a sudden, and "boom", I also hard hit is the first door on the ......

     This is Jessica, but the Ben Ben took charge of a cute puppy.
第3个回答  2009-05-29
It has a very keen sense of smell, it is the most loyal friend. Do you know what he is? Right, it's a dog! And my favorite jue dog is
At first I was a little afraid of dogs, because of my friends have a dog, it's not very friendly to me always. But since my uncle have a dog, I slowly like a dog.
One morning, I went to visit my uncle, a door see a brown dog, it is chasing its own tail turning around, I couldn't help laughing: stupid dog! When the dog saw me and came to me, hard shook its tail, use a pair of round eyes looking at me, a pair of enthusiasm. Uncle took it, and motioned me touched it back. I carefully hand gently stroked its past, and it is very good, lay quietly on the uncle's bosom. Uncle told me it was a girl. I call Jessica of both.
From then on, I would like to Jessica, and every week to visit her. When I entered, her excitement, immediately attacked me, follow me. When I sit in a chair when watching TV, she will quietly in the coming on my feet, bend, shortly after unexpectedly asleep, I clap her, she woke up and look at me, and then fell asleep. When I want to leave, she will be very quickly put my shoes, but every time I get my uncle's shoes.
Jessica like not only follow me, like watching me. I take the dishes in the kitchen ready, it looked stared at me, I stepped the brake, it is ready to go, can not with the back, head only hear "dong", it is the hard banged on the door, I looked at it, laugh: ha ha, this stupid dog. Suddenly, and "dong", my head is hard hit the woodwork...
This is a stupid but Jessica and clever lovely dog.

我是用有道桌面词典翻译的 貌似跟楼上的重复了~ 可以参考下的~ 我下载这个工具 帮助我英语考级蛮好用的 呵呵呵~~~
第4个回答  2009-05-30
空房间干净范德海格姜福东来说诶iy人与体育 耳温枪ugyreg 热一个人要个人额外功热议 热又容易uyuwug人预预热人与人个个业务请求恢复好igiu方法佛法忽然 人uirt 人飞