

Mars, also known as the "Red Planet," has two irregularly shaped natural satellites: Phobos and Deimos, which are believed to be captured asteroids. These moons are occasionally visible to the naked eye on Earth, reaching a brightness of -2.9, only slightly dimmer than Venus, the Moon, and the Sun. However, during most periods, Mars appears darker than Jupiter.

The name "Mars," derived from the Roman god of war, Mars, symbolizes its fiery red hue. In ancient Egypt, it was revered as a deity associated with agriculture, while the Greeks named it Ares, and the Romans adopted this name as "Mars." In Norse mythology, Mars was identified with the war god Tyr, and the month of March carries its name in tribute to the planet.

In China, Mars was historically called "Fen Hu," signifying its flickering red light, which resembled fire, and its movement across the sky, sometimes east to west and sometimes west to east, causing confusion and uncertainty. This led to the term "Fen Hu," evoking the description, "flickering firelight, disorienting confusion."


