


production department if there are no specialized management tool that will be subject to such as cycle, inventory, human, shipping, rejects and introduction of new products and customer satisfaction, and so on.If none of the effective planning, production sectors on these issues, and some other similar issue is very difficult to answer.due to lack of recognized professional tools and knowledge system and its effective system, it is difficult to accurately measure of the production Department of teachers'achievement.This shows that the production management system for introducing urgent.production management system in the application of the environment, in the formulation of sales and operations planning must to estimate the resource plan for the production of a certain amount of certain categories of products of the resources required to ensure that the Secretary for planning, sales and operation of rationality.
第1个回答  2009-06-08
The production department if there are no specialized management tool that will be subject to such as cycle, inventory, human, shipping, rejects and introduction of new products and customer satisfaction, and so on.If none of the effective planning, production sectors on these issues, and some other similar issue is very difficult to answer.due to lack of recognized professional tools and knowledge system and its effective system, it is difficult to accurately measure of the production Department of teachers'achievement.This shows that the production management system for introducing urgent.production management system in the application of the environment, in the formulation of sales and operations planning must to estimate the resource plan for the production of a certain amount of certain categories of products of the resources required to ensure that the Secretary for planning, sales and operation of rationality.