

阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore):阿不思是拉丁文中白色的意思,因为邓布利是与黑魔头伏地魔对立的白魔法师。邓布利多根据罗琳自己说是“蜜蜂嗡嗡叫”的意思。珀西瓦尔(Percival)有武士和刺穿帷幕之意。显然,邓布利多是一位与黑暗势力英勇抗争的武士!而“刺穿帷幕”则耐人寻味,因为帷幔在西方文化中是一种象征生死之隔的事物。将生死的界限刺穿,是否意味着邓布利多有凤凰那样的超越生死的本领呢?伍尔弗里克(Wulfric)的意思被那个没有统一的解释。有人分析它是有Wulf(狼)和Ric(力量)两个单词组成。但也有人认为这个单词源自挪威史诗中的英雄Beowulf,他曾经两次战胜过妖怪Grendel,而邓布利多一生中取得的最辉煌的胜利则是在1945年战胜了格林德沃(Grindelwald),有人认为伍尔弗里克这个名字是曾在埃克赛特大学修习古典文学的罗琳女士用挪威史诗来喻指邓布利多在反对黑魔法方面的伟大成就,介意彰显其魔法力量。布赖恩(Brian)来自爱尔兰语,是“力量、美德”的意思,它也被用来之爱尔兰男子。这个单词高度概括了邓布利多“伟大”的两个方面——能力与德行,同时也很可能暗示这邓布利多的爱尔兰血统。


德拉科·马尔福(Draco Malfoy):MALFOY是由法语MAL FOI变化而来,意思是不好的信仰。这一家人都是食死徒,全是信仰黑魔法。而德拉科。DRACO是拉丁文中龙蛇的意思,而龙在西方是和撒旦联系在一起的。德拉科也是古雅典一位极其残暴的立法官的名字。

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: Albus is the Latin meaning in white, as is Dumbledore and Voldemort confrontation Legend white magic. According to Rowling Dumbledore himself said that "buzz bee" means. Percivalgladiators and piercing means curtain. It is obvious that Dumbledore was a heroic struggle with the dark forces of the warrior! And "piercing the curtain" is intriguing, because curtain in the Western culture is a symbol of things that separated life and death. Will pierce the boundaries of life and death, does this mean that Dumbledore has Phoenix as the ability to go beyond this life and death?Wulfric)that did not mean to be a unified explanation. Some analysis is it Wulf (Wolf) and Ric (force) the composition of the two words. But some think that the word originated in Norway in the heroic epic Beowulf, he had twice been defeated monster Grendel, and Dumbledore's life the most glorious victory in 1945 was defeated in。Grindelwald, Some people think that this name is Wulfric Exeter University in the study of classical literature by the Norwegian epic Miss Luo Lin Yu refers to Dumbledore in the fight against the black magic aspect of the great achievements demonstrate their magic power of mind. Brian (Brian) from the Irish language is the "power of the United States and Germany" means, it has also been used to the Irish man. A summary of the high word Dumbledore "great" two aspects - the ability and virtue, but also is likely to imply that this was Dumbledore Irish descent.

From the pronunciation can be judged on is the mountain Olympus in Greece famous Hermes messenger of the gods name of out of. Popular in today's philosophy of "hermeneutics" was also derived from the name Hermes. No wonder Hermione in the novel known in tact and wisdom, and many hard brain teasera hand can be solved by her. In the story she is a muggle born, but her talent as some of the brain, as well as the amazing perseverance, you can read the school's long history.

Draco Malfoy: MALFOY by changes in MAL FOI from French, meaning is not good faith. The family are eating only dead, all black magic beliefs. And Draco. DRACO is the Latin meaning of dragon and snake respectively, while the dragon is Satan in the West linked. Draco is a very brutal ancient Athens, the name of Justice.
第1个回答  2009-05-11
The big mound does not think of · Percival · Wuerfulike · Brian · Dengbuliduo (Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore): That the big mound does not think of is that Latin is hit by white meaning of, because of Dengbuli is a white opposite devil magician lie on the ground with the secret devil head. That self criticizes Dengbuliduo according to Luo Lin is "bees hum ". Percival (Percival) has Singh and pricks through intention of drapery. Evidently, Dengbuli most probably be Singh who one contends with dark influence bravely! But", pricking through drapery " is affording food to thought, because of draperies is the object across of one kind of symbol life and death in west culture. The life and death boundary is pricked through, implying Dengbuliduo or not has phoenix is like that exceed life and death's on the ball? Making an explanation that Wuerfulike (Wulfric) meaning of is not united by that. That somebody analyses it is to have Wulf (wolf) and Ric (strength) two individual words made up of. Somebody has also thought that this individual word is originated from hero Beowulf in Norway epic but , he had defeated once twice monster Grendel , the most splendid victory that Dengbuliduo gets in a lifetime has been in (Grindelwald) having defeated Green Dewo in 1945 but then , this first name has informed somebody's think of Wuerfulike coming being that Mrs. Luo Lin having repaired habit classical literature in exceptional university of Aikesai uses Norway epic referring to the great Dengbuliduo accomplishment in the respect of opposing secret magic , has taken offence commending the obvious it's magic strength. Brian (Brian) comes from Irish , is "a strength , virtue " meaning of, it also by that Ireland male person Yong Lai . This individual word has summarized the Dengbuliduo "great" two aspect ability highly with disgusting behavior, Ireland blood lineage dropping this Dengbuliduo a hint at the same time also probably. From having been pronounced one's formal personal name being able to judge right away being that Olimbos mounts numerous famous magical emissaries Hel Mosi from Greece, Sinochem comes out. Nowadays popular philosophy field "making an explanation learns to turn out to be of also being born out of Hel Mosi ". It is hard to blame He for agile be celebrated for alert and resourceful sum wisdom in the novel, a lot of enigma difficult to untie is easily solved once her hand is OK. She is hemp melon family background within the story , she has plenty of but the brain, and amazing willpower as genius , can finish reading long-winded school school history. Delake · Mar good fortune (Draco Malfoy): MALFOY is to come from French MAL FOI by changing , shows appreciation being not good belief. This one family all is to eat disciple to death , is secret magic of belief completely. But Delake. DRACO is that Latin is hit by dragon and snake meaning of, but the dragon is to get in touch with Satan in the west together. Delake is also first name of extremely barbarous one acient Athens legislation government official.