

第1个回答  2022-10-08
问题一:我很着急 英语怎么讲 I am very worried.

问题二:很着急的英语怎么写 如果是赶时间,就说in a rush 或者 in hurr贰. She is in hurry!
如果是因为担心某件事情而心里着急,就说形容词可以说成worried或者anxious. She is quite worry about it. 或者说 She feels anxious.还可以说She/He is really anxious. 您可以根据需要换成相应的主语及时态。

问题三:我很着急。用英语怎么说 I can't wait any longer.

问题四:"我非常着急" 用英语怎么说? I am extremely anxious. I am really worried.

问题五:"太着急"英文怎么说 Too anxious
着急worry; feel anxious; vexation

问题六:请教英语高手: “ 你太着急了” 用英语怎么说? You are too anxious.

问题七:“我心里很着急”这句话用英语怎么说 I am very worried.

问题八:请问这件事情你很着急要结果吗?英文怎么说,谢谢 请问这件事情你很着急要结果吗
May I ask this thing you are anxious to have the result