介词with regard to与介词in regard to的用法区别?


with regard to和in regard to的区别如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

- "with regard to"和"in regard to"都表示关于、就...而言,引入对某个主题的讨论或说明。

例句:With regard to your question, I have a few suggestions.(关于你的问题,我有几个建议。)

例句:In regard to the recent developments, we need to take immediate action.(就最近的进展而言,我们需要立即采取行动。)

2. 用法区别:

- "with regard to"是更常用的表达方式,在正式和书面语中更常见。

例句:The report provides detailed information with regard to customer feedback.(该报告详细介绍了有关客户反馈的信息。)

- "in regard to"较少使用,较常见于口语和非正式场合。

例句:I wanted to talk to you in regard to the upcoming event.(我想与你就即将到来的活动谈谈。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "with regard to"常用于正式场合和面向较广泛受众的文本,如公告、报告、文章等。

例句:With regard to the new policy, important changes will be implemented next month.(关于新政策,下个月将实施重大变革。)

- "in regard to"常用于非正式场合,如口头交流、日常对话或非正式书信。

例句:I wanted to talk to you in regard to the problem you mentioned earlier.(关于你之前提到的问题,我想和你谈谈。)

4. 形象区别:

- "with regard to"强调以某个主题为中心,类似于把注意力放在某个事物或议题上。

例句:We need to be cautious with regard to the expenses for the project.(在项目的开支方面,我们需要小心谨慎。)

- "in regard to"强调参考或考虑到某个主题,类似于对某个事物或议题进行参考或思考。

例句:In regard to your suggestion, we will take it into consideration.(就你的建议而言,我们将加以考虑。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "with regard to"和"in regard to"在影响范围上没有明显区别,可以使用于各种主题或问题的讨论或说明。

例句:With regard to the budget, we need to make some adjustments.(关于预算,我们需要做一些调整。)

例句:In regard to the recent incident, an investigation has been launched.(针对最近的事件,已展开调查。)
