


  第一、 作“考虑、思考”时的搭配如下:

  1. consider + n./pron.,例如:

  Have you considered the suggestion?

  That’s what we have to consider now.

  2. consider + v-ing,但不能接不定式的一般式,例如:

  We considered going to see the doctor the next day.

  Have you considered moving to shanghai recently?

  You must consider to tell him something about it. ( 错误)

  3. consider + 疑问词 + 不定式,例如:

  He is considering how to improve his English.

  We must consider what to do next.

  4. consider + 从句,例如:

  We didn’t consider whether he should go or not.

  Have you considered when we should go there?

  第二、 作“认为、把……当作/看作”等意思时的搭配如下:

  1. consider + sb/sth + (to be/as) + n./adj.,例如:

  I consider him to (be/as) my best friend.

  2. consider + sb./sth. + 不定式短语(作宾语补足语),不能接不定式的一般式,例如:

  We consider them to be working very hard.

  We consider them to have finished the work.

  We consider him to be the clever in our class.

  We must consider him to go there at once. (错误)

  3. consider + it + adj./n. + 不定式短语,其中it 为形式宾语,不定式短语为真正的宾语,例如:

  Jiao Yulu considered it his duty to serve the people heart and soul.

  They consider it necessary to set the slaves free.

  4. Consider + sb/sth 介词短语作宾语补足语,例如:

  She always considered herself in the right

  We considered his suggestion of great importance.

  5. consider + 宾语从句,例如:

  We considered that the film was worth seeing for another time.

  I don’t consider that he has a final say in this matter.


  1.He showed much consideration for his wife.

  2.He didn’t take part in the meeting in consideration of his job.

  3.You can’t answer my question without consideration.