英语单词 leave 是「留下」还是「 离开」的意思?


英语单词 "leave":是「留下」还是「离开」的多重解读?

在英语中,"leave"这个单词的根义是"to go away from",直观翻译便是"离开"。然而,它的含义远不止于此,"leave"同样意味着让某物或某人保持原地,赋予其"allow or cause to remain"或"cause (something or someone) to be in a particular state or position"的内涵。

例如,当你说"老鼠离开沉船"时,其实是在描述"老鼠从沉船中撤离"的场景,这里的"离开"也隐含了"留下沉船"的意象。而"No one left",在不同的语境中,如果是过去式,意味着"没有人离开",如果是现在时,则表明"没有人常驻"的状态。另一方面,要表达"没有人留下",则应使用"No one was left",这强调了被动和时间的流逝。

在一些具有象征意义的语境中,"no one left"被赋予了更深的含义。以马丁·尼莫勒的著名诗篇为例:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
No one was left to defend them.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
No one was left to raise their voice.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.
No one was left to bear witness.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

这里的"no one was left to speak for me",用过去分词形式的"left"强调了无人能为被压制者发声的悲哀,这正是"留下"的另一种解读。

