

在这个 diverse world,每一种生物都会有许多 sub-species。 以 tigers 为例,有 Siberian tigers,South China tigers,Bengal tigers 等等。 在 the population of obese individuals,同样存在着不同 types。 最常见的 two types are flabby obesity and muscular obesity. Despite having similar appearances,with no body shape or lines,there are significant differences in physical fitness between these two types. Flabby obesity is characterized by poor physical condition despite the excessive weight,while muscular obesity has adequate muscle and fat,which can be sculpted into a good figure with effort.
So,how can you determine which type you belong to? Let's discuss this today.
Firstly,you need to determine if you fall into the "obese" category. If you pass the following tests,you can leave this page,as both flabby and muscular obesity are not relevant to you. Currently,the most quantifiable methods to determine if a person is obese include three main tests.
1. Body Fat Percentage:Body fat percentage is the proportion of fat in the body. This requires precise medical equipment to measure accurately,while gym scales can only provide an estimate and should not be fully trusted. In fact,comparing your appearance to visual references can give you a rough idea of your body fat percentage. This primitive method is actually quite reasonable,as being labeled as fat or thin is ultimately decided by visual impact. Therefore,intuitive observations may not have the highest level of sophistication,but they are indeed truthful. For males,body fat content is generally reflected as in the image above,with a reading above 28% considered obese. Obesity in males is often marked by a significant increase in waist and abdominal circumference. For females,body fat percentage is depicted as in the image,with a healthy range considered to be around 23%,while 32% is deemed obese. Obesity in females is typically indicated by thicker shoulders and arms.
2. BMI(Body Mass Index):Also known as the体质指数,BMI is an internationally recognized formula for obesity. Although not precise,it serves as a decent reference for the general population that is not accustomed to systematic training,and it is simple to calculate. BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)². For example: Qing Chub,your weight is 68 kg and your height is 1.75 m. Then your BMI = 68 / (1.75²) = 22.2. For Asians,BMI ranges from 18.5 for underweight to 24.9 for normal,and above 25 is considered overweight,while above 30 is classified as obese. However,this method,as emphasized earlier,is only suitable for those who have not undergone training. This is because the formula only takes height and weight into account,ignoring muscle mass. Therefore,muscular individuals would be inaccurately labeled as obese based on this calculation. Please consider your personal situation when calculating your BMI!
3. Waist-to-Hip Ratio:This index is meaningful in determining obesity. After all,people tend to gain weight around their waists first. Therefore,a disproportionate waist-to-hip ratio is a strong indication of obesity. The test is simple:Waist circumference divided by hip circumference equals the waist-to-hip ratio. For males,a healthy ratio falls between 0.85 and 0.9,while for females,it is between 0.67 and 0.8. Once these limits are exceeded,it is pretty certain that obesity is present.
Alright,those are some simple tests. I'm sure you've already obtained your results by now. If you fall within the normal range,you can skip the following content,as you are not overweight. If your results indicate you are overweight,continue reading.
We mentioned earlier that there are differences between being fat and being muscular. Here,we need to assess your physical fitness to determine which category you belong to. The main difference between muscular and flabby obesity is muscle mass and organ function. Therefore,our first step is to test your strength.
1. Strength Test:Under supervision,attempt to perform squats with a barbell that weighs approximately your bodyweight,completing 10 standard squats if possible.
2. Endurance Test:Attempt to perform standard push-ups,with the first set achieving 12 to 15 reps and the second set 8 to 10 reps,with a 2-minute break in between.
Next,there's the cardiorespiratory function test.
1. On a treadmill at zero incline,set the speed to 7,and if you can maintain a slow jog for 20 to 25 minutes without stopping,you pass the endurance test.
2. Open your phone and start typing the number 8 repeatedly until you can input more than 7 lines in one breath—this indicates good cardiorespiratory function.
If you pass all four tests,your path to losing weight will be unusually simple. This is because your basic fitness level,muscle mass,cardiorespiratory function,and endurance are all above average. Moreover,fat loss will be rapid because individuals with such a constitution tend to have a good basal metabolic rate.
If you fail two or more of the tests,you have some work to do. Your weight loss journey will not only involve reducing fat but also improving your muscle mass and internal circulation. However difficult,please start taking action immediately,as the difficulty level will only increase with age.
That's all for today's discussion. Wishing everyone health and happiness!