根据中文意思完成句子。小题1: 来吧,汤姆,该做运动了。 Come on, Tom. ___________ do sports. 小题2:

根据中文意思完成句子。小题1: 来吧,汤姆,该做运动了。 Come on, Tom. ___________ do sports. 小题2:别担心,我一到上海就给你打电话。Don’t worry. I’ll call you ____________ I get to Shanghai.小题3:小明不但喜欢英语,而且喜欢数学。Xiaoming likes ____________.小题4:托尼非常友好,他和身边每个人相处得都很融洽。Tony ___________ he gets on well with everybody around him.小题5:请你把东西收拾起来好吗?我们应该使教室保持干净。___________ your things? We should keep our classroom clean.

小题1:It’s time to
小题2:as soon as
小题3:not only English but also maths
小题4:is so friendly that
小题5:Will / Would / Could you please put away

小题1:该做某事了:It’s time to do sth.。故填It’s time to。
小题2:一……就:as soon as。故填as soon as。
小题3:不但……而且……:not only…but also…。故填not only English but also maths。
小题4:如此……以至于……:so…that…。故填is so friendly that。
小题5:请你做……好吗:Will / Would / Could you please do sth?把……收拾起来:put away。故填Will / Would / Could you please put away。