帮帮俺not =?


ad. 不,没,不是
副词 adv. (否定词)不(用以表示否定)(用于be,have,和情态助动词后,经常缩写为n't)
a word which makes a sentence mean the opposite(used to express negation)(after be,have,and auxil.v.;often contr to n't)
· He is not here.
· Can you swim? No, I can't.
· He likes bananas but I do not like them.
· He does not study Japanese.
· "Has she been here?" "No, she hasn't."
· You mustn't go out,you must stay here.
· I shall not be able to do it.
· I won't go tomorrow.

副词 adv. 用于分词、动名词、不定词、假设语气或句子的一部分前
before a participle, gerund,infinitive, subjunctive, or a part of sentence
· Not knowing, I can't say.
· I asked him not to go.
· I got up early so as (in order) not to lose the train.
· He did wrong in not speaking.

副词 adv. 用于加强语气的代词前
before an emphatic pron.
· He will never pay, not he!

副词 adv. 否定句、动词、短语的省略用法,不会
used elliptically for a negative sentence or verb or phrase
· Will it rain this afternoon? I hope not.
· I believe not.
· Is he rich? --Not at all.
· Is he ill? --I think not.
· Of course not.

副词 adv. 用于保守的陈述
in understatements
· not a few
· not seldom
· not once or twice

副词 adv. 用于all,both等词表示部分否定
used to express negation, after all, both,every,etc.
· Not all the students go in for table tennis.

as likely as not as soon as not
not a not at all
not always not any more
not anyone not any other
not anything not anywhere
not bad not ... but
not for long not either
not even not ever
not in the least not only... but also
not so ... as ... not that
not to say not to speak
not to be thought of
第1个回答  2006-04-18
In no way; to no degree. Used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition:
I will not go. You may not have any.

为避免意思模糊,在句中放置not 和其他否定词时必须小心: All elephants are not friendly 可被理解为“所有的大象都不友好”或“并不是所有的大象都友好”。 与此相似,句子Kim didn't sleep until noon 即可以被理解为“科姆中午去睡觉”或“科姆中午前起床”。 在正式写作中,not only…but also 结构应这样用: 每一个成分后都跟一个相同形式的结构。应把She not only bought a new car but a new lawnmower 写成 She bought not only a new car but a new lawnmower; 在第二个句子里,not only 和 but also 后都跟名词短语。 当第二部分只是强调第一部分时,在not only 结构里 also 通常省略:
She is not only smart but brilliant.
He not only wanted the diamond but wanted it desperately. See Usage Note at only
第2个回答  2006-04-18
1 used to make a word, statement, or question negative:
Most of the stores do not open until 10am.
She's not a very nice person.
You were wrong not to inform the police.
'Can we go to the park?' 'No, not today, dear.'
not at all/not ... at all (=used to emphasize what you are saying)
The changes were not at all surprising.
I do not like his attitude at all.
2 used in order to make a word or expression have the opposite meaning:
Edinburgh isn't far now.
The food is not very good there.
not a lot/much/many etc (=only a few, only a little etc)
Not much is known about the disease.
Not many people have read the report.
Most of the hotels are not that cheap (=they are fairly expensive).
3 used instead of a whole phrase, to mean the opposite of what has been mentioned before it:
No one knows if the story is true or not.
I hope to see you tomorrow, but if not, leave me a message.
'Is Mark still sick?' 'I hope not.'
4 not only in addition to being or doing something
not only ... (but) also ...
Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.
not only do/will/can etc
Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.
5 not a/not one not any person or thing:
Not one of the students knew the answer.
There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
Not a single person said thank you.
6 not that ... used before a sentence or phrase to mean the opposite of what follows it, and to make the previous sentence seem less important:
Sarah has a new boyfriend - not that I care (=I do not care).
Janice had lost some weight, not that it mattered (=it did not matter).
7 not at all spoken especially British English used to be polite when someone has thanked you or asked you to do something:
'Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?' 'Not at all.'
8 not the sharpest tool in the box/shed also not the brightest crayon in the box, not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree informal used to say that someone is not very intelligent or is not able to learn things quickly or easily - used humorously
9 -not! spoken used, especially by young people, to say that you really mean the opposite of what you have just said:
I really enjoy spending my day working here - not!
! Do not use another negative word (no, nothing, nobody, never etc) with not. Use any, anything, anybody, ever etc: I haven't got any (NOT haven't got no) money. | I didn't know anybody (NOT didn't know nobody). not half at half3 (5) ; not to say at say1
第3个回答  2006-04-18