

1. What is Earth Day?
Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22. It serves as a global call to action, aimed at raising consciousness about environmental conservation and inspiring individuals to take protective measures for our planet's natural resources.
2. History of Earth Day
The first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970, in the United States. It emerged from the efforts of environmental activists and concerned citizens who recognized the urgency to address environmental degradation. Today, Earth Day is commemorated by over 190 countries worldwide, reflecting a global consensus on the importance of environmental stewardship.
3. Why is Earth Day important?
Earth Day is crucial because it fosters a shared understanding of the effects human activities have on the planet and encourages tangible actions to safeguard it. Our survival depends on the health of our planet, and it is our responsibility to ensure its preservation for future generations.
How to protect the Earth
We can safeguard our planet by minimizing waste, utilizing energy efficiently, and conserving water. These seemingly small steps can collectively make a significant impact in sustaining our planet for years to come.