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变形金刚》里面正义一方(汽车人,也叫博派)的领袖,在地球上他就像一个医生、机械师、乃至完成地球人所需要的一切工作。擎天柱的优点是充分掌握敌人的情况,透彻的研究情报,以最短的时间击退敌人。擎天柱的领导才能和善良的心,使地球人对他十分信任,他的工作也就可以更顺利的完成。在赛伯坦时擎天柱是一个普通的汽车人,他向往和平,有时甚至向往可以飞行的霸天虎,然而霸天虎使他真正相信只有反抗才能生存。钛师傅把他改造成一个完善的战斗机器人后他投入了反抗狂派的志向中,为自由而战!也有翻译成为:柯柏文。 相较于动画版中的伶牙俐齿,真人版中大黄蜂因为之前的战斗损伤失去了自主语言的能力,只能用录音与广播片段来表达自己的意思,而且相当有趣,把自己活泼的性格展示了出来。另一方面,大黄蜂一跃成为身手敏捷的强大战士,是博派中除了擎天柱之外最厉害的汽车人,非常擅长近身肉搏,与超级领袖擎天柱的差距只有身形较小和武器较少。在变形后武器为右臂的光束炮与机关炮,但似乎他的拳脚比炮威力更大。战斗状态下会放下面罩。这家伙面对狂派是个狠角色,每次击败狂派都是干净利落,斩草除根,表现不比超级领袖擎天柱差。带上面罩,加上背后由车门变成的四只小翅膀,形象酷似真正的黄蜂。 在《变3》中,“御天敌”将会像《变2》中的“天火”(Jetfire)一般,老当益壮.已经80岁的老演员伦纳德·尼莫伊将为电影中的这位老英雄“御天敌”配音,伦纳德·尼莫伊因为在经典科幻剧集《星际旅行》中饰演“企业号”科学官“斯波克”的经典形象而被宅男极客们所推崇。值得一提的是,在1986年的动画片《变形金刚:大电影》中,伦纳德·尼莫伊曾为霸天虎阵营中的悍将“惊破天”配过音,与《变形金刚》也算是颇有渊源。 御天敌原型&变形萨姆(Sam)大学毕业后和新女友卡莉(Carly)住在华盛顿,他拯救过两次世界,所以有点适应不了普通人的生活,但他还是找了份工作,试图让自己安定下来。卡莉不了解萨姆的苦闷,她为一个艺术品和汽车收藏家迪兰·古尔德(Dylan Gould)工作,后者由帕特里克·德姆西(Patrick Dempsey)饰演。与萨姆和卡莉住在一起的还有小变形金刚“转轮”(Wheelie)和它的同类小机器人。 电影版威震天威震天竭力煽动对汽车人政权的不满,宣称这种制度严重妨碍了他们扩张征服的天性。他激烈地抨击博派最高议会,声称汽车人最高议会在幕后策划了一场骗局,那就是:禁止赛伯坦的居民们了解到自己的本质。尽管威震天从未对这个“阴谋“的细节进行解释,也没有说明自己是如何发现的,但这些都无关紧要。他的极富蛊惑力的演讲使数以百计的变形金刚加入到他的一方。于是,威震天将他的秘密组织命名为“狂派(Decepticons)”,以此来讽刺汽车人最高议会的“欺骗行为”。 MEGATRON所推崇的狂派信条并不复杂。他认为某些Cybertron人从本质上就是为了征服与荣耀而设计的,他们应当代替汽车人统治Cybertron。MEGATRON的信条切合了Cybertron相当一部分居民的长期不满心理,于是获得了积极的响应。他所大肆宣扬的基因优越论特别有效。MEGATRON以自己的强大和飞行能力为证据,坚信他们的基因比博派优秀。一些后来的狂派成员,像惊天雷,已经具备了增强的力量和飞行能力,而那些不具备此种能力的成员就要接受构思精密但是却痛苦万分的改造。所有经历这个过程的变形金刚都要向狂派和万人之上的MEGATRON宣誓效忠。 《变形金刚2》里的威震天几亿年前,浩瀚的宇宙中有一颗行星名叫 Cybertron,在这个星球上,一种五面怪生物创造了机械生命,从此机器人文 威震天手绘图明便得到延续。短短几年里,数以万计的机器人占据着整个星球。这颗充满智慧的星球,机器人的战争科技、自然科技发展迅猛,强烈的统治欲望让这颗星球中的机器人因各自的信仰分成了两派-汽车人与霸天虎,指顾间,双方战争延续了几万年,终究导致Cybertron上能源枯竭。双方谁也没有注意到这点,陷入战争之后,一种说不清楚的渴望纠缠住了他们,归根结底,他们是用方式不同但出发点相近的感情在对待塞伯坦,都认为用自己的那一套会对母星更好,而同时,造成的破坏也不分上下,谁也没有因为让母星变成了能量枯竭的坟场而心痛罢手,因此,似乎没什么理由认为OptimusPrime就一定比MEGATRON更热诚有同情心。为了寻求更多赖以生存的能源,汽车人凝聚最后的力量开始前往银河系深处探索,而与此同时,狂派也不甘落后,尾随其后。不知跨越了多少个银河系,两派人交集在一颗蔚蓝色的星球上空,在此准备最后的殊死搏斗,遗憾的是,双方最终伤痕累累,筋疲力尽,如流星般坠落在星球表面。直到千万年后…… Transformers" inside Justice Party ( car, also called the Autobots on earth ) leader, he was like a doctor, mechanic, and complete the people on earth need all the work. Optimus Prime has the advantage of a full grasp of the enemy's situation, thorough research information, in the shortest possible time to repel the enemy. Optimus Prime 's leadership and good heart, make the earth of his trust, and his work will be more successful. On Cybertron, Optimus Prime is an ordinary car, he yearned for peace, sometimes even longing for flying the Decepticons, but the Decepticons that he truly believed that only fight to survive. Titanium master put him into a perfect battle robot after he put against the Decepticons ambition, fighting for freedom! There is also translated as: Ke Baiwen. Compared to the anime version of have the gift of the gab, a live-action version of Bumblebee because before the battle damage lost own language ability, can only use the recording and broadcasting fragment to express myself, but quite interesting, their lively character display. On the other hand, the hornet became the agility of the powerful warrior, is in addition to the most powerful Autobots Optimus Prime, one car, very good at close combat, and super leader Optimus Prime gap is smaller and the weapon less. After the deformation of weapons for the right arm beam cannons and cannon, but it seems more powerful than his fist fuck. Combat will drop mask. This guy's face is a Decepticon characters, each defeated the Decepticons are smooth and clean, extermination, performance than super leader Optimus Prime difference. Wear a mask, added behind the door into by four little wings, similar to a real image of the wasp. In" 3"," the enemy" would be like" 2" in the" Skyfire" ( Jetfire ), old but vigorous. Already 80 year-old actor Leonard Nimoy will for the film in the old hero" the predators" dubbing, Leonard Nimoy as in the classic science fiction series" Star Travel" as" the enterprise" science officer" Spock" of the classic image was indoorsman geeks are respected. It is worth mentioning that, in the 1986 animated film" Transformers: the movie", Leonard Nimoy was the Decepticon camp of the Titans" Galvatron" with", and" Transformers" is also quite origins. Royal natural prototype & deformation of Sam ( Sam ) after graduation from the University and his new girlfriend Carly ( Carly ) lived in Washington, he saved the lives of the two world, so a bit can not adapt to the life of ordinary people, but he is still looking for a job, trying to settle down. Carly did not know Sam's anguish, she is an art and car collector Dylan Gould ( Dylan Gould ), the latter by Patrick Dempsey ( Patrick Dempsey ) plays. Sam and Carly live together and small transformers" runner" ( Wheelie ) and its similar small robot. A film version of Megatron Megatron tried to incite the Autobot regime dissatisfaction, claiming that the system seriously hampers their expansion to conquer the nature. He is a fierce critic of the Autobot Supreme Council, claiming that the Autobots Supreme Council in the mastermind behind a hoax, that is : the prohibition of Cybertron 's residents to understand their nature. Although Megatron never on the "conspiracy" details are explained, also did not explain how he found, but these would be of no great importance. His highly captivating force speech to hundreds of transformers to join his party. So, Megatron his secret organization named" Decepticons ( Decepticons )", in order to satirize the Autobot Supreme Council" cheating". MEGATRON respected by the Decepticons creed is not complicated. He thinks some of Cybertron from is essential in order to conquer and glory and design, they should replace the car who ruled in Cybertron. MEGATRON creed with the Cybertron quite a part of residents of long-term resentment psychology, then obtained a positive response. He trumpeted the genetic superiority especially effective. MEGATRON to its powerful and flight capacity of evidence, that their genes than the Autobot elite. Some later Decepticons members, like Marvel Crossovers, has enhanced strength and ability to fly, and those who do not have the ability to accept the idea of member precision but very painful transformation. All through the process of transformers to the Decepticons and thousand MEGATRON oath of allegiance. " Transformers 2" where Megatron Hundreds of millions of years ago, the vastness of the universe has a planet named Cybertron, on this planet, a five faces make mechanical life, humanistic Megatron drawings from the machine Ming will continue. A few short years, tens of thousands of robots to occupy the entire planet. This wisdom of the planet, robot wars, natural science and technology science and technology development is swift and violent, intense desire to rule the planet of robot because of their beliefs into two - the Autobots and Decepticons, Zhigu, both the war lasted several thousand years, eventually leading to the Cybertron energy depletion. Both parties who did not notice this, war, an unclear for catches hold of them, in the final analysis, they are used in different ways but the starting point of similar feelings on Cybertron, believe yourself that set on the parent star is better, while at the same time, damage the neck-and-neck, who didn't let the parent star has become depleted cemetery and heartache stop, therefore, there appears to be no reason to think that OptimusPrime is better than MEGATRON warmly compassionate. In order to seek more living energy, car people unite finally force begins to explore the galaxy inside, while at the same time, the Decepticons also unwillings to lag behind, followed by. Never know how much a across the galaxy, two people thronged on a planet blue sky, in preparation for the final battle, unfortunately, both ultimately scarred, be tired out, falling like a star on the surface of the planet. Until the thousand years after ... ...