英语作文 关于在饭店吃饭忘带钱的尴尬事


On May.5th, one of my friends and I went to a restaurant near our school to have lunch.The waitress served us friendly.
We didn't wait very long before our dishes were all ready.We were so hungry that we could almost ate a chicken at that time.
Just when we were going to speak highly of the tastes that my friend found a fly in the bowl."Oh,my god!""What is wrong?"I asked."I can't stand it!"
That really surprised me much.I often eat meals there.From then on,I think I will never come to this restaurant again.The boss of the restaurant should solve this problem as soon as possible.
第1个回答  2016-03-09
Mother told Xiaoming go to the supermarket to buy things,Ming settle accounts when found fotgot to bring my wallet.Hesaid that when he went back to the cashiar's wallet.Ten minutes later,he returned to bill,put things back hom,but go home,but go home after he discovered,this band is not his.He remembered,he did,to have an aunt in the checkout.Aunt is wrong......What a fucking day......