

1.大会报告人原来是我的一位老朋友的女儿。(to turn out)
2.尽管他已经退休5年了,但他在学术界仍然很活跃。(to remain active in)
3.如果确实在经纪上有困难,你可以申请学生贷款。(to apply for)
4.这位科学家研制这种新材料达10年之久才有了突破。(to make one’s own way)
5.世界上主要的几家飞机制造公司正竭力制造飞得更快,更远的飞机,以争的更大的市场。(to push the envelope)

1.The lecture at the conference turned out to be the daughter of an friend of mine .
2.It is 5 years since his retirement, but he has remained active in the academic circles.
3.If you do have financial difficulties, you can apply for a student loan.
4.This scientist had worked hard at this new material for 10 years before he made his own way in the end .
5.The chief aieplane manafacturers in the world are pushing the envelope to make faster and longer range airplanes to compete for bigger share of the market .
第1个回答  2008-09-08
前面的同志做得也还行,我主要在1. 2.5.做了修改,5里面的单词aieplane可能是笔误。
1.the speaker at the conference turned out to be daught of an old friend.
2. though having retired 5 years ago, he remains active in academics
3. if you are really finacially difficult, you can apply for a student loan.
4.the scientist had worked on the new material for 10 before he enentually made his own way.
5.major airplane manafacturers in the world are pushing the envelope to make airplanes travel faster and longer for bigger market.