



在“十一五”期间,我区将紧紧把握滨海新区加快发展的机遇,大力发展以高新技术产业为主导的科技型经济,以完善城市功能为标志的服务型经济,以丰富文化资源为依托的旅游型经济,以参与地区竞争为目标的开放型经济,During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, our District shall hold the opportunities to speed up the development of Binhai New Zone and (地名还是用音译较好)reinforce the sci-&tech economy oriented by new-&high technology, service economy symbolized by perfct urban functions, tourism economy based on abundant cultural resources and open economy targeted with participation in regional competition.
Therefore, the economic structure satisfying the central urban function and the advantageous industrial group with strong support are formed. According to the regional economic features and advantages, we define an economic function layout of "Six-Zone and Three-Belt" with integration of regional resources. (六区三带你可以结合实际内容,添加翻译)
Environment created by Government and Economy developed by Enterprises. The year of 2006 is a starting year for full realization of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, also an important year for our District to realize leaping development at a high platform.
我区在市委、市政府的正确领导下,按照“抓住新机遇、站在新起点、再创新优势、实现新跨越”的要求,Under the leadership of the Municipal Government and CPC Party Committee, our District shall follow the requirements of "Grasping New Opportunity, Standing at New Start Line, Re-creating New Advantages and Realizing New Leaps".
Guiding the people of our District, we shall grasp the great opportunities about the construction of Binhai New Zone, comprehensive development and reconstruction of Haihe River and co-hosting of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in order to establish a modernized area with prominent features, solid foundation and harmonious culture as well as one of the best Districts for its investment environment.
第1个回答  2006-04-13