








第1个回答  2008-07-15
LILY does not stop is shivering, looks like is afraid very much. At this time I realize, she had the danger. And a girl said: “puts the intelligent spot! Pays the money.”Said then starts to begin to search for LILY the knapsack. 2. She has cried nearly quickly, I heard her to say ...... 3 low voice. I am indignant, also worried very much, but does not have any means. By now walked a big man, I had the idea suddenly, comes up hastily blocks him. 4. They are extorting the friend of mine, you can help me? The good intention man nods. 5. The man walked said loudly to that two BULLY that you stopped, otherwise I reported to the police! 6. They look mutually, but laid down the LILY package same place to run away. 7. She cried to say to me. the question supplemented: Embarrassed, can not probably directly from translation on-line downloading? Such words I the meeting, the necessity again has also not come here to ask. The translation on-line is not very, I want manual! ~
第2个回答  2008-07-11
1. Lily could not stop trembling, she looked so scared.It came to me at this time that she was in danger. One of the girls said "Wise up and hand over your money " and started to fumble into Lily's backpack.
2.She was at the verge of crying, i heard she whispering...
3. I was so furious and worried as well, however there was nothing i could do. At this this moment,a tall guy walked to us, i suddenly got an idea and stopped him at once.
4" They are blackmailing my friend. Could you please help me ?" The kind man nodded his head.
5.He walked to these two bullies and said loudly,"Stop! or i will call the police"
6.Having casted a look at each other ,they finally dropped Lily's bag and ran away .
7.She sobbed to me.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-07-11
1.LILY kept trembling and looks very scared. This time I realized that she was dangerous. One girl said: "Fang smart! Pay out the money." Finish started LILY hands found the backpack.

2.She almost cried a fast, I have heard that she pushed……

3.I am very angry and very worried, but there is no way. Then came a tall man, I suddenly had his mind, he stopped quickly boost

4.They are blackmailing my friends, can you help me? » The man nodded with good intentions.

5.Shouted the man walk past the two BULLY that you Zhushou, otherwise I will report the

6.They saw each other, but still put aside the LILY of the package has run away with.

7.She said to me crying
第4个回答  2008-07-11
我纠正几个错误 针对楼上的 she was in dangerous 他少了介词
还有Fang smart完全乱来 应该是 you’d better be smart 其实这种说法也不是很地道