
The zoo is near ___our school. 答案及选项:A. fromB. toC. of提示:--评语: 2The sun is much ____ to the Earth than the other stars. 答案及选项:A. nearB. more nearC. nearer提示:--评语: 3The sun is a _____. 答案及选项:A. satelliteB. planetC. star提示:--评语: 4The sun is _______. 答案及选项:A. a hugeB. a starC. a planetD. star提示:--评语: 5The sun is ____ than the Earth. 答案及选项:A. smallerB. biggerC. heavierD. A and B
The zoo is near ___our school. 答案及选项:A. fromB. toC. of提示:--评语: 2The sun is much ____ to the Earth than the other stars. 答案及选项:A. nearB. more nearC. nearer提示:--评语: 3The sun is a _____. 答案及选项:A. satelliteB. planetC. star提示:--评语: 4The sun is _______. 答案及选项:A. a hugeB. a starC. a planetD. star提示:--评语: 5The sun is ____ than the Earth. 答案及选项:A. smallerB. biggerC. heavierD. A and B
The zoo is near ___our school.
A from
B to
C of

A. near
A. near

A. from
A. fromB. toC. of


第一题选择B. be near to 表示与...挨近。The zoo is near to our school. 动物园和我们学校挨在一块儿 ;
第二题选择C. near的比较级是nearer. The sun is much nearer to Earth than other stars. 太阳距离地球比其他恒星近很多。(题目the Earth中the要去掉。Earth大写表示地球前面不加the,若小写则加the);
第三题选择C. The sun is a star. 太阳是一颗恒星。A选项satellite是卫星;B选项planet是行星;
第四题选择B. 句意与第三题一样。A中huge是形容词,前面不加a. D中star是可数名词,一般不能单独出现,前面加上冠词a;
第五题选择B或者C从句意上讲均可. The sun is bigger than Earth.太阳比地球大;The sun is heavier than Earth. 太阳比地球重。 都说得通。

第一题填huge。楼下说的gigantic也可以,不过比较高级,若是学过也可以用。Look at the sun. It's huge/gigantic. 快看太阳,它真大啊!
第二题中第一格填larger或者bigger均可,第二格填heavier. The sun is bigger and heavier than the Earth. 太阳比地球更大且更重(验证了上面的第五题可选B或者C);
第三题填near to或者close to均可. The moon is near to the Earth.月亮离地球比较近;
第四题填far from. The sun is far from the Earth. 太阳离地球比较远;
第五题第一格填star,第二格填planet. The sun is a star and the earth is a planet. 太阳是恒星而地球是行星。 楼下第一格填的galaxy是星系的意思,不是恒星。


第1个回答  2013-10-16

The zoo is nearer to our school. B

The sun is much more nearer to the Earth than the other stars. C

The sun is a star. C

The sun is a star. B

The sun is bigger than the Earth. B

    Look at the sun. It's gigantic.

    The sun is bigger and heavier than the Earth.

    The moon is near to the Earth.

    The sun is far from the Earth.

    The sun is a galaxy and the Earth is a planet.
