
英语老师真心渣 搞得没学到什么 下学期要中考了 求大手帮忙补习 如果有习题也可以

【一】动词+sb+of +sth 英语搭配结构如下(2013年6月7日)
以下动词有(v.)+sb of sth的搭配
(1) accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人犯某事(罪),指责某人做某事/控告某人某事,指责某人某事
The policeman accused him of murder. 警察控告他谋杀。
The teacher accused me of being late. 老师指责我迟到了。
He accused them of having broken theirword.他指责他们没有遵守诺言。
His teacher accused him of cheating in theexamination.他的老师说他考试作弊。
The neighbours may accuse you of playing yourradio too loudly.
He was accused of stealing in thesupermarket.他被控告在超市里行窃。

(2) cheat sb. fo sth. 骗取某人某物 /骗走某人某物
The man cheated the old lady of all her money. 那人骗走了老太太所有的钱。

(3) cure sb. of sth. 治好某人的病,改掉某人的坏习惯 /治愈某人的疾病,纠正某人的坏习惯
This medicine cured him of his headache. 这种药治好了他的头痛。
He was cured of his habit of drinking. 他已改掉了喝酒的习惯了。
This medicine cured me of my cold.这种药治好了我的感冒。
Parents try to cure their children of badhabits.父母努力纠正孩子的不良习惯。

(4) inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某情况(事)/. 通知某人某事
He informed me of his safe arrivel at USA. 他告知我他已平安到达美国。
Has she been informed of her mother’sdeath yet?有人把她母亲去世的消息告诉她了吗?
I hope you will keep us informed of how youare getting on with the work.

(5) remind sb. of sth (sb). 使某人想起某情况(事)/使某人想起某事(某人)
The story reminds me of my past. 这个故事使我想起了我的过去。
You remind me of your father. (看到)你使我想起了你父亲。
Thanks for your gift---it will alwaysremind me of you.
This reminded them of the days when they werein the army.这使他们想起了在部队的日
(6) rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某物(去除、清除;摆脱、解脱)
You should rid yourself of that bad habit. 你必须改掉那个坏习惯。
Further measures will be taken to rid ourstreets of crime.将采取进一步的措施来防止街头犯罪。
The dentist rid me of the pain by taking outthe tooth.
We must try every way to rid ourselves ofthese debts.我们要想尽一切办法来摆脱这些债务。
It’s not easy to rid oneself of a habit.要改掉一个人的习惯是不容易的。
bring , take , fetch , get , carry
例如:Don’t forget to bring a dictionary withyou . 别忘了把辞典带来。
例如:Please take the small blackboard to theclassroom 请把这块小黑板带到教室去。
fetch是“去取”,“去拿来”,从说话的地方出发到另外一个地方,然后将东西拿到说话的地方例如:Please fetch me some chalk .请给我拿些粉笔来。
例如:The bus can carry 30 passengers.这种公交车限乘30名乘客。

主语是人 Sb. spend … on sth. 某人花了…(时间、金钱)在某事上。
(in) doing sth. 某人花了…(时间、金钱)做某事。
主语是人Sb. pay …for sth. 某人为某物花了…钱。
主语是事或物 Sth. cost sb. … 某物花了某人…钱。
Ittakes/took sb. … to do sth. 花了某人…(时间、金钱)做某事。
★begin , start“开始”
一般可以通用,但start较为口语化。It has begun(started)raining . 已经开始下雨了。
例如:New term begins on September 1st.新学期9月1日开始。
They start for Beijing tomorrow . 他们明天动身去北京。
★dress , have sth. on , wear , put on
have sth. on表示穿戴的状态。He had a straw hat on . 他戴了一顶草帽。
She likes to wear the light green dress . 她喜欢穿浅绿色的衣服。
put on表示穿戴的动作。
You’d better put on your overcoat beforegoing out . 出门之前你最好穿上大衣。
dress既表动作也表状态。The mother is dressing her baby . 母亲正给她的婴儿穿衣服。
★after , in
After+时间段 表达过去一段时间以后,常用于过去时态的句子;
I received the letter after two days . 我是两天以后收到这封信的。
After+时间点 表示将来一段时间以后,用于将来时态的句子。
He will arrive after four o’clock .
in+时间段 以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子。
You will receive the letter in three days . 你三天以后将收到这封信。
★a number of ,the numberof
a number of 意为“一些”、“许多”。谓语动词常用复数形式。
例如:A number of people are waiting for thebus there.许多人在那里等公共汽车。
the number of 表示“......的数目”,作为句子的主语部分时,谓语动词用单数形式。
例如:The number of deer,nountain lions,andwild roses does not change much.
on:表示使用通讯工具、信息或传媒,乘坐交通工具等;I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.
in:使用语言文字等媒介;Can you speak it in English?
with:借助具体的手段或工具。Don’t write it with a red pen.
★at , on , in
At:表示在哪个时刻用;I get up at six o’clock in the morning . 我早晨六点起床。
On:表示在哪一天,哪一天的早上(下午、晚上);on Wednesday , on Sunday morning ,
on May I , on a cold morning in 1936
in:表示在哪一年(季、月),在上午,下午等。in September , in the morning , in theafternoon
★too much, too many, much too
too much + 不可数名词
too many + 可数名词
much too + 形容词
★few, a few; little , a little.
(1)few, a few是可数的, little, a little是不可数的。
(2)a few, a little含肯定意味,few, little含否定意味。
e.g. They have a little ink, don't they? 他们有一点墨水,是吗?
They have little ink, do they? 他们几乎没有墨水,是吗?
She has a few Chinese friends, doesn't she? 他有几位中国朋友,是吗?
She has few Chinese friends, does she? 他几乎没有几位中国朋友,是吗?
She has a little dog.
★can, be able to
表示能力这一意义时can和be able to基本相同,但can只有两个时态即现在时(can)与过去时(could)而be able to有多种形式。对未来的能力做决定时,一般用can. 用于过去时态时,be able to与can意义不完全相同,was able to意为“有这种能力,而且利用这种能力设法做成了某事”,而could只单纯地表达有某种能力。
★must, have to
must表示说话人的主观看法;而have to则表示客观需要。mustn’t意为"不可以;不允许";don’t have to意为"不必"。如:
My father had to work when he was ten yearsold.
The play is not interesting. I really must gonow.
★ago , before
ago立足于现在,表示从现在起,若干时间之前;ago 通常与一般过去时连用,不能与完成时连用;
I met him three years ago .(距今)三年前,我遇到他。
before立足过去,表示从过去某一时刻起,若干时间以前。before通常与过去完成时连用。 I had met him three years before .(距当时)三年前我见到他一次。
★alone, lonely
Though I am alone , I am not lonely . 虽然我孤独一人,但我并不感到寂寞。
Lonely表示“孤独寂寞”,强调主观感觉,作定语和表语。另外说明特点时还有“人迹稀少的”,“荒凉的”意思。He was taken to a lonely house . 他被带到一个荒无人烟的房子内。
★also , either , too , as well
also用于肯定句. You study English and I also study it . 你学英语,我也学。
You don’t study English and I don't study iteither . 你不学英语,我也不学。
You are a student and I am a student , too . 你是学生,我也是。
as well 用于肯定句,放在句尾,多用于口语。例如:
You know the way and I know it as well . 你知道路,我也知道。
★among , between
Do you know the difference between the twowords ? 你知道这两个词有什么不同吗?
He is the most energetic boy among them . 他是他们中间精力最饱满的孩子。
★arrive , reach , get to
reach为及物动词。They reached Tianjin yesterday . 昨天他们到达天津。
get to常用于口语,可代替前二者。表示到达时,如果地点是副词home, here, there, 就省略介词to.例如:When did you get here? 你什么时候到达这里的?
★as , when , while
When the teacher came in , the students stoodup . 当老师进来时,学生们起立。
Don’t talk while you are eating . 吃饭时你不要说话。
★because , because of“因为”
We stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨,我们呆在家。
because of是短语介词,后面接名词性词语。
We stayed at home because of the rain . 因为下雨,我们呆在家。
★besides , except , except for , but“除……之外”
besides的意思是“除……之外,还有……”,是肯定的;,包括 besides 后面的宾语在内,含有“加上”的意思。
I have three other pens besides this . 除了这支笔外,我还有另外三支笔。
except(but)的意思是“除……之外,没有……”是否定的;不包括 except 后的宾语在内,含有“减去”的意思。
第1个回答  2013-10-23