
He will bring home almost six thousand American troops from Iraq by the end of the year.

在这句话中home 与 almost six thousand American troops 是不是构成双宾语? 这句话可不可以改成:

He will bring almost six thousand American troops to home from iraq by the end of the year.

关于bring home 有以下两种用法

(1) Bring something /somebody home=bring home sth /sb (将某人某物带回家)

(2) Bring home to somebody (使某人十分清楚,使某人更加认识到)

He will bring home almost six thousand American troops from Iraq by the end of the year.

可改为He will bring almost six thousand American troops home from iraq by the end of the year.


bring home
. You must bring home to Tony where the difficulty lies. 你必须使托尼明白困难之所在。

2. His gruff father warned,"Don't bring home an Okinawan or an Eta." 治家严格的父亲嘱咐说:“不能带冲绳人或者贱民进家。”

3. We should bring home to people the value of working hard. 我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。

4. I have to bring home the bacon. 我不得不养家糊口。

5. You must bring the difficulty home to John. 你必须使约翰相信存在这种困难。

6. On the same day, we also decided to bring home to Hanoi that we meant bussiness. 同一天,我们又决定让河内知道我们是认真的。

7. A parent or teacher should bring home to children the value and pleasure of reading. 父母或师长应该使孩子们了解读书的价值与乐趣。

8. He's liable to bring home any odd character that he picks up with in a pub. 他动不动就把在酒馆里结识的各种古里古怪的人带到家里来。

9. May I bring you home? 我可以陪你回家吗?

10. Someone has to bring home the bacon in the family. 一个家里总得有人养家糊口。

11. A: I see. Now you're the one to bring home the bacon. 明白了,现在要你赚钱养家了。

12. That was the motivation to bring home the bacon. 那就是获得成功的动力。

13. He will bring home his girlfriend to meet his parents. 他会邀请女朋友和他的父母见面。

14. They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon. 他们努力赚钱只够给家里买咸猪肉。

15. Husband: I bring home the bacon. That's all I should worry about. 丈夫:我是负责养家活口的人,那才是我该担心的事。

16. How can we bring home to him the seriousness of his conduct? 我们怎样能使他明白他这种行为的严重性呢?

17. Someday your daddy will bring home a new mommy. 有一天,你们的爸爸会带一个新妈妈来家。

18. We should bring home to people the value of WL in music. 我们应该让人们明白西城对于音乐的价值。

19. Bring home a dream kitchen built exclusively for you. 麦德莲橱柜,专门为您定制。把这梦幻厨房搬回家吧!

20. The twins hope to bring home

bring home (to)

1. (邀请某人作客)使觉得亲切:
I brought some of my friends home to a warm welcome from my


Its importance has been brought home to us very


to bring a fraud home to the young people


Bring home flowers for no reason.


Another idea is to have the kids decorate cookies to bring home.


Her husband would bring home the best of his catch which she would clean and
cook up.


Every time
you bring home something new, get rid of something old.


Why is it that
every time I
come home you have to bring
home four
other women who look exactly like you?


For the three or four weeks that chicks are in the nest, the adults may bring home
50 to 70 fish a day, and that messy layer of fish bones builds up.

在三到四周的时间里,亲鸟每天要为巢中的小鸟们带来50到70条鱼。 巢穴周围凌乱的鱼骨头就是这样堆积起来的。

Mr Obama has promised to bring home US combat troops from Iraq in a little over a year from when he takes office in January.


When a topic of interest develops which involves the whole family--an upcoming trip or vacation, for example--bring home some books on the topic to share with the family.


The new emphasis reflects a recognition that one parent earning the minimum wage will not usually bring home enough money to keep his or her children out of poverty.


Since my dad's company was affiliated with a light bulb company, he was also able to bring home the most
beautiful and
colourful Christmas lights.


While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may easily get good grades.


Which degrees bring home the
most bacon?


I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me.


"It can bring home to
Cambodia the impact this is going to have on its neighbors," Thayer said.


You don't often attend an NFL game to bring home a profound insight about marketing.


Each country wanted to bring home agents with potentially valuable knowledge — and was motivated by the chance to take back prizes from the other side.


He had a darkroom in his basement, and an Apple II Plus that he was allowed to bring home from work.

他在地下室建了一个暗室并有一台被允许从工作场所带回家的Apple II Plus电脑。

A parent or teacher should bring home to children the value and pleasure of reading.


Jack is liable to bring home
any odd character that he picks up with in a pub.

第1个回答  2013-10-24
首先,这不是一个双宾结构,而是一个很单纯的bring sb/sth home的结构;其次,home为一个前面不用to的地点名词,如go home,而不是 go to home;再次,由于宾语太长,为了保持句式的美观大方,英语常常采用后置方式。
第2个回答  2013-10-24
语法上是可以的,但从语言习惯上,最好不要这样,;另外这不是双宾语的结构,而是动词+宾语+宾语补足语(副词home )。
第3个回答  2013-10-24
home之前不用任何的介词的。。。回家是go home。。。