
Dear Boss,

I am honored for the opportunity to work for you and I enjoy doing so. I worked so hard for our company since I join our company. In own with under boss's approval, from cashier the promotion is an accountant diligently.

As our company is developing in high speed, and more and more salons were opened and will be during the coming months, which means that I have to usually work overtime to meet your need to finish the job on time. With the development of the company, my financial skill also had the very big improvement. Through these four month-long diligently and to accountancy's practice, I believed I can competent this work.

Promoted my work along with the position before has been more important than, the work content was also richer, simultaneously was also undertaking a more important responsibility and the pressure.

I hope that our company could improve my salary to 3700 RMB. If you could consider my request, I will grateful it, must work diligently in the future compared to the past.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best regards.







以上是我写的英语 如有语法错误 帮忙校正
另外 如能是内容更加完善 圆滑 必加分

是我的错误,重点看英文 我需要的是英文!!!

It's my honor to have the opportunity to work in your company, and i cherish this chance very much, and thus ,i devoted myself for our company from the very first moment i became one of the member.And thanks for the approval of both my boss and collegues as well as my own efforts , i have the promotion from a cashier to an accountant.

As our company is expanding at an satisfying speed , more salons have been or will be opened ,which means , as one the member of the company who have to take on the according responsibilities, I have to work more deligently. This doesn't trouble me, because it is a precious opportunity for me to improve my effecientcy and the needed skill to be an experienced accountant, and the most important is that I acquired the skill to suvive the fierce business competition and the competitive society.
Thanks for the pratical working experience as an accoutant in your company in these four months, i have learnt a lot and with my performance i can convinced you that i am your best choice in finishing this job.

能够在您的公司里工作是我的荣幸, 我非常地珍惜这个宝贵的机会.因此,从我加入公司的那一刻起,我便全心全意地为我们的公司工作。感谢老板以及同事对我的肯定,我获得了提升为会计的机会。
现在正当是我们公司对外扩张的时期,许多的分店都已经或将要开张。作为必须承担起发展公司的重责的成员之一 ,我必须也将会更勤奋地工作。这并不会让我觉得困扰,相反地,这对于我而言是一次极宝贵的机遇,一次让我能够提升自己效率的机遇,一次能够让我获取更多会计经验的机遇。更重要的是,在为公司效力的过程中,我也拥有了一个优秀的有经验的会计所必备的素质:在当今残酷的商业竞争以及竞争社会中生存下来、发展自身的素质。

第1个回答  2013-03-28
Dear Boss,
I am honored for the opportunity to work for you and I enjoy doing so. I worked so hard for our company since I join our company. In own with under boss's approval, from cashier the promotion is an accountant diligently.
As our company is developing in high speed, and more and more salons were opened and will be during the coming months, which means that I have to usually work overtime to meet your need to finish the job on time. With the development of the company, my financial skill also had the very big improvement. Through these four month-long diligently and to accountancy's practice, I believed I can competent this work.
Promoted my work along with the position before has been more important than, the work content was also richer, simultaneously was also undertaking a more important responsibility and the pressure.
I hope that our company could improve my salary to 3700 RMB. If you could consider my request, I will grateful it, must work diligently in the future compared to the past.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Best regards.
第2个回答  2008-08-20

第3个回答  2008-08-20
It is really my pleasure to have this opportunity of working for you. Since I joined our company, I have always been working with great responsibility. Thanks to boss's approval and my own endeavor, presently I was promoted from a cashier to an accountant.

Along with the high-speeded development of our company, our business have become so extended and more salons have been established. Meanwhile I have to work overtime frequently in order to meet your need of finishing my job on time.
Now that my financial skill represents a great improvement after the accountancy's practices. I believed I am qualified for the position. I am ready to shoulder on more important responsibility and greater pressure.

As far as these factors are concerned, I hope that Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done. Counted on getting a raise to 3700. I will be really grateful if you could consider my request. And I will continue to work diligently in the future whatever your desision is.

Looking forward to receiving your immediate reply.
第4个回答  2008-08-20



也请公司领导放心,无论申请成功与否,本人仍会一如既往的、用积极的、认真负责的态度去做好每一件事,不会因此怠慢工作,这是我的知识和修养要求我应该做到的。 ”


第5个回答  2008-08-20
1. I worked so hard for our company since I join our company.这句话很不好,时态也不对。可以改为‘I've tried my best to do my works since I was in our company. ’
2.In own with under boss's approval, from cashier the promotion is an accountant diligently.
改为“With my hard work and your help,I improved a lot in the past few days,and I've became an accuntant instead of a cashier ”
3.As our company is developing in high speed在 in后加a
4.With the development of the company, my financial skill also had the very big improvement. 不好,改为“As I have worked at our company for time,my skills of financial have also improved a lot”