



    Ah-choo! It`s cold here.啊嚏!这里很冷。

    For inspection or collection of the above items, please contact Miss CHOO at 31845766 for prior arrangement.如要视察或提取上述物品,须致电3184 5766与朱小姐预约。

    So if you have a choice among planes, trains and automobiles...chugga chugga choo choo!所以,如果你在飞机、火车、汽车之间做个选择的话……哐啷、哐啷、呜、呜。

    Choo Choo along, collect all the gems, avoid getting trapped or bumping into your own carriages.秋秉直秋秉直,一直以来,收集所有宝石,避免被困或碰撞到您自己的车厢。

    Thus, Vera`s ashes were scattered on Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia, following the ancient traditions of the Aymara Indians; on the river outside the royal palace in Stockholm; on the banks of Choo Praya, in Thailand; at a Shinto temple in Japan; on the icecaps of Antarctica; in the Sahara desert.因此,浑子的骨灰散落在的喀喀湖,在玻利维亚,继古老的传统的艾马拉印第安人;上河以外的王宫在斯德哥尔摩;对银行的秋秉直海旁,在泰国,在一个神道寺庙在日本;就icecaps的南极洲,在撒哈拉大沙漠。

    You''ll find that it''s always the same. A-choo!你将会发现它总是同样的


    Although the wordchina is identical in spelling to the name of the country, there are 16th- and 17th-century spellings likechiney, cheny, and cheney that reflect the borrowing into English of the Persian term for this porcelain, choo.虽然china 这个词拼写上与中国的国名是一样的,但16和17世纪时也有chiney,cheny 和 cheney 等拼法,标明英语借用了波斯语中表达这种瓷器的词,chini 。

    Although the word china is identical in spelling to the name of the country, there are 16th- and 17th-century spellings like chiney, cheny, and cheney that reflect the borrowing into English of the Persian term for this porcelain, choo.虽然china 这个词拼写上与中国的国名是一样的,但16和17世纪时也有chiney,cheny 和 cheney 等拼法,表明英语借用了波斯语中表示这种瓷器的词,chini 。
