求英语大神翻译文章 要自己翻译

I've been around musicians for many years .
I've known and worked with classical musicians , pop singers , folk singers , rock bands , jazz players , choral groups , church choirs and orchestras , stage performers , songwriters , rappers , you name the genre, I've probably worked with someone in it !
I've known some truly great musicians and some who were getting there .
Over the years I've developedsome ideas about what makes a great musician . This is not a quick guide to becoming a good musician , just offers a few observations I've made.
A great musician has a passion for music.and sticks with it.this may seem obvious.but you have to really love music to stick with it ,many have started but didn't continue.a geart many young players have dreamed of career in music,but were discouraged by the well meaning people who warned them ,"you need to get a real job!you can't make a living by playing music !"those who stuck with it have either discoverd that they could make living,or that they could enjoy making music as a rewarding hobby



多年来,我对于怎样才能算做一名伟大的音乐人也有了一些自己的想法。这不是一份 “伟大音乐人速成手册”,只是提供一些我个人的观察结果。

一名伟大的音乐人热爱音乐,并且从不动摇。这可能挺像废话,不过只有真正的热爱才能让你坚持下来。很多人都半途而废了。太多年轻人憧憬着能追求自己的音乐事业,然而却被一些说着 ”你需要找一份真正的工作!你无法靠玩音乐养活自己!” 的好心人泼了冷水。那些坚持下来的无一例外的发现他们确实可以靠音乐养活自己,或者可以将音乐当做一个回报丰富的爱好。
第1个回答  2016-12-22
dge and will be able to know more in that field. So talk to your fellow bloggers, and see how they do t