

后面跟动词原形的动词或词组有: can / may / must does / do /did will / would shall / should be going to do sth “打算” needn’t do “不必做;不需要做” had better do “最好做„„” have to do “不得不„„” let sb do “让我们„„” make sb do “让我们„„” have sb do “让我们„„” Why not do “为什么不„„;„„吧”如:Why not ask her ? Why don’t you do “为什么不„„;„„吧” Will you please„„? “请你„„好吗?” Would you please „„? prefer to do rather than do “喜欢做„„而不喜欢„„” would rather do sth “宁愿„„” rather than do sth “宁愿„„” would rather do than do“宁愿„„而不„„ used to do sth “过去常常” do nothing but do sth “只能” don’t do anything but do “只能”
can’t ( help / choose ) but do 不能不 ;只得;必须 When your classmates need your help , you can’t but go . When the streets are full of melting snow , you can’t help but get your shoes wet . can not „ too /over / enough / more “越„„ 越„„” A man cannot have too many ties . You can’t be over careful . One can’n be too careful .