

我被紧急送往圣·托马斯医院的急救室。I was rushed to the emergency room at St. Thomas's Hospital.
急救室的英文缩写是ER。The abbreviation for the emergency room is ER.
一位遇车祸生命危在旦夕的人被抬进急救室,大夫将会怎样救治他?A person involved in a traffic accident, who is in critical condition, was brought to the emergency room. How will the doctors treat him?
急救室的其它同义词包括:first aid room(急救室)。Other synonyms for the emergency room include: first aid room.
与急救室相关的词组有:emergency observation room(急诊观察室)、emergency slaughtering room(急宰间)、emergency duty room(急诊值班室)、emergency waiting room(急诊候诊室)、emergency treatment room(抢救室)、emergency instrument room(急诊仪器室)和emergency switch room(应急配电间)。Related phrases to the emergency room include: emergency observation room, emergency slaughtering room, emergency duty room, emergency waiting room, emergency treatment room, emergency instrument room, and emergency switch room.