
(2)脑海中忽然想起了Right Here Waiting这首歌里的几句歌词:

1) I have waited a long time for your chinese letter, but as a return i have espeically written you this english letter, in order to tell you; i am willing to spend a long time for you writing a language i have poor knowledge in. My dear, can't you tell? what you have done will be repaid.

2)My mind suddenly fills with the lyrics from the song 'Right here waiting'

3)How beautiful the lyrics are, how moving the laguages are, this is exactly what i desperately want to say to you.

4)My love, can you understand my love for you? Can you sense the love i have for you?

5) Finally, please trust me,my darling and please trust me that my love to you is unquestionable sincere and genuine. I absolutely adore you and love you.

就这些喽,我是在英国学习6年的学生,也写过一些爱情的东西,所以这个翻译应该是正确的, 我还加了一些感人的词等等,所以不是真真的一字一字的翻译. 这样,会使这几句话边的感人.


From a student in Manchester
第1个回答  2006-04-28
1. I write this English letter in return the Chinese message you sent me, which I had waited for a long time. Believe me, I would like to pay more time and energy on those I am not good at just for you. Darling, can you feel that? You will be rewarded for your dedication.

2.It appears in my mind suddenly the verse of the song Right Here Waiting:

3.What beautiful verse they are! What touched words! Those are also the true love words that I will tell you.

4.Honey, do you understand my love? Can you feel my love?

5.At last, please trust in my true love. Please believe the truth that I love you so much, yes, I love you that, that, that much!