

The Weather
The weather today is sunny and warm. 今天天气是阳光明媚且暖和的。I love going outside on nice days like this. 我喜欢在这样美好的日子出去。A cool breeze is blowing and the skies are clear. 凉爽的微风在吹拂,天空万里无云。However, the weather often changes quickly. 然而,天气常常很快就会变化。We should enjoy good weather when we have it! 我们应该在有好天气时尽情享受!
第1个回答  2022-11-22

1. 以today'sweather为题写5句话

It is very hot today. The sun shines brightly. I choose not to go out but to stay at home, doing my homework. I turn on the air-conditioner to keep me cool. And I also call mum and dad to take care to prevent themselves from getting sunstroke.。

2. 以The weather in Shanghai为题写一篇不少于5句的短文

Shanghai is a relatively hot city because of its location. Shanghai lies in subtropics.But this summer is the coolest summer in the last 15 years with so much rain. Although the raining days is bothersome, many Shanghainess still love this cool summer.。

3. 【《theseasonsoftheyear》写一篇小作文不少于五句话】

The SeasonsThere are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn and winter.Each season has three months.Spring is the first season of the year.In this part of the world,the spring months are March,April and May.In spring,the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green.This is a busy time for the peasants.Summer begins in June.Then e July and August.During the summer months,the plants and flowers are at their best.Next e the autumn months:September,October and November.Autumn is a wonderful season.The fields are golden with crops.It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy.Winter is the last season of the year.December,January and Febmary are the winter months,it is cold in winter.The days are short and the nights are long.In many places it snows.On New Year's Day,we wish each other a happy New Year.四季一年有四季:春、夏、秋、冬.每季有三个月.春天是一年的第一季.在这个地方,春季的月份是3月、4月和5月.在春季,天气变暖,田野变绿.这是农民忙碌的季节.夏季从6月份开始,然后是7月和8月.在夏天的几个月里,农作物和花长得最好.接下来是秋天的月份:9月、10月和11月.秋天是美好的季节.田野的庄稼一片金黄,这是收获的季节,农民忙忙碌碌.冬天是一年中的最后一个季节.12月、1月、2月是冬季的月份.冬天天气寒冷,昼短夜长.许多地方都下雪.在新年,我们互相祝愿新年快乐.。

4. 以"the weather report"为题,写一篇短文,至少6句话,用三种句型

Good morning ! Here's the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It's very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there's beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there's a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.(英语作文)

That's the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .
