Where do pepper seeds come from?I don't know,who knows and can tell me?

Media reported that a pepper plant has successfully grown in a dormitory toilet of South China University of Technology in Guangdong province, and it is growing well. There are no symptoms, but there are two peppers. From the picture, this is a finger pepper, which is very hot. And the plants are still in flower, ready to continue bearing fruit.

Where do pepper seeds come from?I don't know,who knows and can tell me? 



    Where 哪里 ; 在哪里 ; 在那里 ; 到哪里 ; 处于哪种情形 ; 在那,到那 ; 在该处 ; 在该情况下 ; …的地方 ; …情况下 ; 地方 ; 场所哪里 ; 地点

    pepper 胡椒粉 ; 甜椒 ; 柿子椒 ; 灯笼椒 ; 撒胡椒粉

    seeds 种子 ; 籽 ; 起源 ; 起因 ; 萌芽 ; 开端 ; 种子选手 ; 结籽 ; 繁殖 ; 在…播种 ; seed的第三人称单数和复数

    come from 来自 ; 出生于 ; 出身于

    know 知道 ; 知悉 ; 了解 ; 认识到 ; 懂得 ; 意识到 ; 确信 ; 确知 ; 肯定

    who 谁 ; 什么人 ; 表示所指的人 ; 进一步提供有关某人的信息

    knows 知道 ; 知悉 ; 了解 ; 认识到 ; 懂得 ; 意识到 ; 确信 ; 确知 ; 肯定 ; know的第三人称单数

    tell 告诉 ; 告知 ; 提供 ; 说明 ; 显示 ; 讲述 ; 说 ; 表达 ; 台形土墩 ; 讲的话 ; 谈话 ; 传闻

第1个回答  2021-12-06
Where do pepper seeds come from?I don't know,who knows and can tell me?

The pepper seeds cone from inside of red pepper when it is matured. You can cut the matured pepper and strip seeds out and let them dry for use.
第2个回答  2021-12-05
Media reported that a pepper plant has successfully grown in a dormitory toilet of South China University of Technology in Guangdong province, and it is growing well. There are no symptoms, but there are two peppers. From the picture, this is a finger pepper, which is very hot. And the plants are still in flower, ready to continue bearing fruit.
有媒体报道称,广东华南理工大学宿舍厕所成功种植一株辣椒,生长良好。 没有任何症状,但有两个辣椒。 从图片上看,这是指尖椒,很辣。 植物仍在开花,准备继续结果。追问


第3个回答  2021-12-05
Based on what you provided above, the scene of growing those two pepper plants in such conditions without any symptoms is not probably deliberatly/artificially conducted by anyone, it's most likely the seeds could have come form the droppings/stools/feces/manures remains, and the seeds could have been left in certain place where everything is ideal for its future budding/sprouting/germination.

It's just a guesswork, but we only can find out what it is really like if someone who would like to take troubles to goes there in person to check it on the spot and present us the answer to the puzzle.