

第1个回答  2015-12-11
Wuthering Heights In Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights, realism and gothic symbolism combine to form a romance novel that's full of social relevance. The story setting is at the morrs of Northern England. The main characters includes, Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw, Edgar Linton, Cathy Linton, Hareton Earnshaw, and Ellen (Nelly) Dean. The plot follows the self-destructive journey of Heathcliff as he seeks revenge for losing his soul mate, Catherine, to Edgar Linton. Major thematic topics that have been used in this novel includes, "good versus evil", "chaos and order", "selfishness, betrayal, and obsession" , which catch every readers' sight. The houses, keys, archetypical characters are the major symbols in Wuthering Heights. Moreover, there are three most important aspects in this story: Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw are among the most famous fictional couples of all time. In fact, they probably are second only to Romeo and Juliet in this regard. Unlike Shakespeare's lovers, who are kept apart by the society in which they live, Catherine and Heathcliff are themselves responsible for their failure to fulfill their love for one another. Their own passionate natures make their union impossible. The novel contains a so-called framing device, which is a story that surrounds the primary narrative and sets it up. Lockwood's visit to Wuthering Heights and the supernatural occurrence he witnesses there frame Nelly's narration of the novel's main story. This is a gothic novel. Gothic novels focus on the mysterious or supernatural, and take place in dark, sometimes exotic, settings. The double is a frequent feature of the Gothic novel, as well. In Wuthering Heights, the love of Hareton and Cathy doubles that of Heathcliff and Catherine, and Linton doubles Edgar. The novel itself consists of two entire stories, each consisting of seventeen chapters; the second half of Wuthering Heights doubles the first. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights is a symbolic and psychological study of the nature of love.本回答被网友采纳