
2. 我希望尽快见到他。
3. 除了我,人人都回来了。
4. 他只想出国深造,别无他求。
5. 我们当中没有人曾到过国外。
6. 他提出要把自行车借给我。
7. 他好象什么都知道。
8. 看样子他好象是在撒谎。
9. 快点,否则我们就会迟到了。
10. 我将等到你来为止。
11. 他直到雨停了才回家。
12. 请明天尽早起床。
13. 电影上映了2个小时。
14. 我们去过西安的许多名胜。
15. 他们上了火车之后,一直观看窗外美丽的风景
16. 我一生中从来没有到过这么漂亮的地方。
18. 这把椅子坐上去很舒服。
19. 我总是每天练习使用电脑。
20. 乘务员一直不断地给他们送热水。

May I speak to the principal?
2. 我希望尽快见到他。
I hope to meet him as soon as possible.
3. 除了我,人人都回来了。
Everyone came back except me.
4. 他只想出国深造,别无他求。
He wants nothing but go abroad for further study.
5. 我们当中没有人曾到过国外。
None of us has been to overseas.
6. 他提出要把自行车借给我。
He offers to lend me his bicycle.
7. 他好象什么都知道。
He seems to know everything.
8. 看样子他好象是在撒谎。
It looks like that he is lying.
9. 快点,否则我们就会迟到了。
Hurry up,or we'll be late.
10. 我将等到你来为止。
I'll wait for you until you come.
11. 他直到雨停了才回家。
He didn't come back home until the rain stopped.
12. 请明天尽早起床。
Get up as early as possible tomorrow.
13. 电影上映了2个小时。
The film has been on for 2 hours.
14. 我们去过西安的许多名胜。
We have been to many places of interest in Xian.
15. 他们上了火车之后,一直观看窗外美丽的风景
They were looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window after they got onto the train.
16. 我一生中从来没有到过这么漂亮的地方。
Never have I reached such a beautiful place in my life!
I found it hard to understand him.
18. 这把椅子坐上去很舒服。
The chair sits comfortable.
19. 我总是每天练习使用电脑。
I always practise using computer every day.
20. 乘务员一直不断地给他们送热水
The conductor kept serving hot water to them.
第1个回答  2008-07-27
1.May I speak to the headmaster?
2.I hope to see him soon.
everyone came back except me.
He has nothing more to ask for but to study abroad
None of us have been abroad
He offered to lend me his bike
He seems to know everything
It seems that he's lying
Hurry up! Or we'll be late
I 'll wait for you until you come
He didn't go home until the rain stopped
Please get up as early as possible tomorrow
The movie has been on for two hours
We have been to lots of places of interest in Xi'an
They kept watching the beautiful sceneries outside the windows after they got on the train
I have never been to such a beautiful place in my life
I feel it hard to understand him
the chair is comfortable to sit on
I practice playing computer every day.
The attendent kept offering them hot water.