
第一段:Musician to Remember

With MusicTeachers.co.uk, Jonathan Evans-Jones looks at his varied career as a violinist, actor and arranger for the Hollywood blockbuster film, Titanic.

Although the release of James Cameron's film, Titanic, turned the attentions of the teeny-bopper brigade to the boyish good looks and charming smile of Leonardo diCaprio, it was interesting to make the acquaintance of another member of the film on a recent tour of North Wales by the Welsh Chamber Orchestra. Leader and soloist, Jonathan Evans-Jones (pictured above) had a short, but significant, part in this reconstruction of one of the world's most tragic maritime disasters. To many in the audience, he is instantly recognisable as the actor who played doomed bandleader, Wallace Hartley, and concerts often ended with countless youngsters asking for his autograph. 'Some have seen the film nine or ten times' he says, 'and recognise just about everyone in the cast.' He admits that the film was an important part of his career, something his publicity exploits, but he nevertheless plays it down when amongst musician colleagues: Evans-Jones is a quiet and sensitive man whose modesty somehow seems to conflict with his chosen career as a musician.

第二段:I used to cry when my grandmother played "Danny Boy" on the piano...

Born in South Wales, he claims that his immediate family is not particularly musically literate, but always remembers having music around him. 'I used to cry when my grandmother played Danny Boy on the piano, on which I used also to experiment when I went to her house.' At about the age of eight, like many youngsters

如果可以不知道你们有没有谁有毅力将整篇翻译出来- -,

第1个回答  2008-07-26
尽管詹姆斯卡梅隆的电影-泰坦尼克号的上映把对teeny-bopper brigade 的注意转向有男孩气的外表和迷人的微笑的李奥纳多狄卡皮欧,但有意思的是这使我们熟悉了最近北威尔斯之旅由威尔斯奥斯卡提名的另一部电影。指挥和独奏,乔纳森埃文斯-琼斯(包括照片)在这部重现世界上最悲惨的海洋灾害的电影中扮演了短暂却又重要的一部分。