

1. 气候变化并不完全是人类活动所导致,还因为某些不可控的自然原因。
  Undeniably, it is anthropogenic (adj. 人为的) activities that are to blame for climate change in some circumstances, but there are a variety of other inevitable (adj. 不可避免的) and irreversible (adj. 不可逆的) factors, that are partly responsible for the shifting weather patterns(描述气候变化的说法), such as variations in solar radiations(太阳辐射) and continental drift(大陆漂移).
  These are natural processes within the climate system itself, forces beyond our control, making it difficult and even impossible to take any precautionary measures(采取任何预防措施) against climate change. Therefore, we have no alternative but to tolerate it and make corresponding adaptations.
  2. 对于一些欠发达国家来说,发展经济可能要以牺牲环境为代价,二者不可兼得,所以人们只能被动接受气候变化的事实。
  For some underdeveloped countries(欠发达国家), when trying to develop their national economy, they are likely to be faced with many challenges like the excessive exploitation(对…的过度开采) of natural resources and environmental degradation(环境恶化). Despite the disastrous consequences for the climate, they are unable to reverse the worrying trend due to their technological limitations and financial pressures.