

第1个回答  2024-04-16
1. 比亚迪汉
2月份,比亚迪汉BEV和PHEV车型共计销售12,342辆。作为比亚迪的旗舰轿车,汉 recently completed a series of updates, including price cuts and added features. The top-selling Han EV version now starts at 209,800 yuan, 10,000 yuan less than the previous model, while features such as NFC, heat pump air conditioning, electric tailgate, and driver's ventilation and heating have been upgraded to standard equipment, further enhancing its competitiveness.
2. 广汽埃安AION Y
2月份,广汽AION Y实销或现新车销量为13,001辆。与比亚迪汉一样, AION Y was also updated with a new model focusing on adjustments to the exterior and interior design and features. The AION Y features a minimalist design with a closed front grille and stylish headlights, creating a sporty atmosphere. The interior is equipped with a 10.25-inch and 14.6-inch dual-screen center console and comes with a variety of practical functions, while its starting price of 119,800 yuan and decent space makes it a suitable choice for the working-class family.
3. 广汽埃安AION S
2月份,广汽埃安AION S销售了16,828辆新车。 Following pre-month promotions, the sales results for AION S were impressive, surpassing peers like朗逸 and 轩逸. Although the overall discount was not as exaggerated as the Citroën C6, it still brought more benefits to consumers. The AION S features a family-style front face, a sporty overall design, and a主流level size, with a 2,750mm wheelbase that is suitable for family use.
4. 比亚迪海豚
2月份,比亚迪海豚作为家族中最畅销的小型纯电车型,销售了22,838辆新车。 Thanks to the advantages of the e platform 3.0, although Haidong is only positioned as a small car, its wheelbase reaches 2,700mm, providing a more spacious interior. The current 2023 Haidong offers two battery range options: 420km and 401km, while the power performance is also rapid and responsive, making it especially suitable for urban commuting.
5. 比亚迪秦
2月份,比亚迪秦定位为紧凑型纯电轿车,销售新车27,439辆。 Coordinated with the Han, the Qin series also adopted a "promotion and price reduction" strategy, with the champion version being the first to lower the price of DM-i models below 100,000 yuan, which will further boost sales of the Qin. The Dragon Face design philosophy is prominent throughout the body, bringing a more sporty and elegant exterior style.
6. 五菱宏光MINI EV
随着微型纯电车型市场竞争的加剧,“国民神车”五菱宏光MINI EV的销量在最近几个月出现了较大波动。尽管2月份销售新车30,271辆,但1月份销量仍有大幅下滑。 To maintain its market share, Wuling has also launched a "price war" by offering time-limited subsidies on its new energy vehicles, including cash discounts, financial interest subsidies, and gifts, with a maximum subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan before May 31st.
7. 比亚迪元PLUS
比亚迪元Plus以32,215辆的成绩排在总榜单第四位,也成为比亚迪家族销量排名第二的车型。 Its further product strength has boosted its sales. The family-style design language gives it a fashionable and delicate appearance, and the overall atmosphere is quite atmospheric. The interior layout is simple and technological, and the central floating screen is equipped with the DiLink intelligent link system, making it more practical with the help of the vehicle networking system.
8. 特斯拉Model 3
经历了一系列降价和产能调整后,特斯拉Model 3终于迎来了销量的大幅反弹,2月份新车共计销售36,863辆,稳居B级车销量冠军。 The Model 3 maintains a cutting-edge "geek" aesthetic with its minimalist design, and the interior is also simple, with only the floating center console screen and the traditional instrument cluster being canceled, bringing a stronger sense of futurism.
9. 比亚迪宋(BEV+PHEV)
作为比亚迪家族的销量担当,宋系列2月份共计实现销量52,644辆。 As a compact SUV, the BYD Song series has been updated with the Dragon Face concept, making it more elegant and agile, and its design better suits consumer aesthetics. The 2,765mm wheelbase ensures a more spacious interior, making it particularly suitable for family use, and the DM-i and BEV power options cater to different needs.
10. 特斯拉Model Y
2月份,特斯拉Model Y以81,079辆的销量再次夺得单品销量冠军。 As a member of the Tesla family, the Model Y features a more futuristic and scientific design style, a shorter front end, and a roomy interior. Its powerful performance and various range options make it a versatile choice for consumers.