

The Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven is the largest existing architectural complex in the world for the purpose of praying to heaven for good harvests. It was included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO in December 1998.

Located to the southeast of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven was where emperors of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties worshipped heaven. It covers 273 hectares; the layout is circular in the north and square in the south to symbolize the circular heaven and the square earth. The compound has two surrounding walls; the main buildings for worship are located within the inner wall. The main buildings - the Circular Mound Altar in the south and the Altar of Prayer for Good Harvests in the north - are linked with a 360-meter-long passage, called Danbiqiao or Red Stairway Bridge. To the west of the Altar of Prayer for Good Harvests lies the Hall of Abstinence; to the southwest are the Divine Music Administration and the Department for Sacrifices.

The Chinese have a long history of worshipping heaven. Because the rulers of the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th Century-771 BC) claimed that they were empowered by heaven, the worship of heaven was continued by almost all state rulers as a way to uphold their right of administration.

After Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, established his rule in Nanjing, he ordered a circular mound altar built on the southern slope of Zhongshan Mountain to worship heaven and a square altar built on the northern slope to worship earth. Later the ceremonies to worship heaven and earth were merged and held in one temple.

After Zhu Li, the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty, moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing, he had the Altar of Heaven and Earth built in the new capital based on the standards of the one in Nanjing, but larger in size. Construction was completed in February, 1421, at the site of today's Altar of Prayer for Good Harvests. The Hall of Worship was the main place for the ceremony.

About 110 years later, Emperor Jiajing issued an order to separate the worship ceremony of heaven from that of earth. Four altars were then built in the four directions (east, south, west and north) of the city of Beijing to worship the sun, heaven, the moon and the earth. The Temple of Heaven, a1so known as the Circular Mound Altar, was built to worship heaven.

The Hall of Worship was abandoned after the separation of the ceremonies and demolished in 1538. On that site was erected the Hall of Fruition, where ceremonies were held in autumn to present the harvest to heaven. The hall, sitting on a three -layer round base, was a round bui1ding with triple-eaved roof: the upper eave was blue, the middle eave yellow and the lower green. This symbolized the combination of the heaven, earth and the people.

The rulers of the Qing Dynasty, which replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644, kept the worship system. but changed the function of the Hall of Worship from presenting fruits to heaven to prayer for good harvests. The hall was renamed the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in 1751, and the entrance renamed the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvests. The following year the roofs of major buildings were replaced with blue glazed tiles to match the color of the sky. In 1749, Emperor Qianlong had the Circular Mound Altar expanded. The wooden railing and balustrades were replaced with white marble and the ground was paved with blue stones. In the middle of the upper terrace was placed a round stone surrounded by nine concentric rings of paving stones. The number of stones in the first ring is nine, in the second 18, and so on, up to 81 in the ninth ring. The middle and bottom terraces also have nine rings each. Even the numbers of the carved railing, the balustrades and the steps are also in multiples of nine, to coincide with the astronomical phenomena. With all these readjustments, the altar system was finally comp1eted and the worship of the heaven was reformed during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795).

A total of 22 Ming and Qing emperors held 654 ceremonies to worship the heaven in Beijing. The worship was abandoned in 1911 when the last emperor of the Qing court abdicated and the Temple of Heaven ended its role as an imperial altar. However, the last ceremony held at the Temple was on the Winter Solstice in 1914 by Yuan Shikai who attempted to reestablish a monarchy. Yuan developed a new ceremony and tailored special attire there for. Yuan died shortly thereafter and his regime was overthrown.

As the place for the worship ceremony, the Temple of Heaven has deep cultural connotations for the Chinese nation. It is a comprehensive expression of Chinese history and culture, politics, philosophy, astronomy, architecture, calendar system, music, painting, gardening and ethics; it synthesizes the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

On December 2, 1998, the Temple of Heaven was placed onto the World Heritage List at the 22nd conference of the World Heritage Committee. The committee came to the conclusion that the Temple of Heaven is a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design which simply and graphically illustrates a cosmogony of great importance for the evolution of one of the world’s great civilizations. The symbolic layout and design of the Temple of Heaven had a profound influence on architecture and planning in the Far East over many centuries. For more than two thousand years China was ruled by a series of feudal dynasties, the legitimacy of which was symbolized by the design and layout of the Temple of Heaven. Every year, the Temple of Heaven receives millions of visitors from near and afar who are impressed by the complicated cultural presentation, the grand, ancient architectural complex and the secluded surroundings.
第1个回答  2008-10-08
the Forbidden City 故宫
the Great Wall 长城
the Summer Palace 颐和园
the Ming Tomb 明十三陵
the Bird's Nest 国家体育场(鸟巢)
Tian'anmen Square 天安门广场
the Shaolin Temple 少林寺
Mount Tai 泰山
Shangri-La 香格里拉
kowloon 九龙
tian'anmen square 天安门
香港hong kong
第2个回答  2008-10-05
Mount Taishan calls Dai mountain,Dai ,DaiYue,east Yue ,TaiYue etc. again.Many name, the hat of the in really national famous mountain.Mount Taishan it call that was see in at the earliest stage 《Book of Poetry 》, "Qing " meant biggest,lucid and quiet and peaceful.Mount Taishan is sign in a north China big plain side suddenly together lu ancient country, together the Hen mountain, the heng mountain, Hua Mountain, the song mountain matches to call five Yues, eastern region because of ground, so call the east Yue , so have the title of"long five Yues"s. ....It the east face surging forward with great momentum ocean, the west depends a source to flow long yellow river far, override in together Lu the earth, several thousand in the last yearses have been easts the center of the politics,economy,culture.Mount Taishan have a deep cultural content, it the thou construct mainly is a clear and pure style, will construct,the painting,carvings,mountain stone,wood merge into an integral whole, is the eastern civilization is great but solemn of symbol;several thousand in the last years, Mount Taishan becomes in the past DIWANG FENG CHAN2 a fiesta the absolute being mountain of the day, along with DIWANGFENG CHAN2 , Mount Taishan drive apotheosis, FO way two, scholar the person flock in endless waves, leaving numerous famous spot historic monuments for Mount Taishan and Tai-an. Mount Taishan the natural view is impressive-looking and high greatly, there are several thousand years, spirit culture of permeate and exaggerate and humanities the view set off by contrast but be called"five the head of the Yues", it is the spirit of the Chinese nation culture of miniature, now then again become precious inheritance of world.Mount Taishan scenery famous spot with Mount Taishan main mountain for center, present emanation form to distribute, from natural view and humanities the view blend but become.from the fiesta ground through DI the Tai of WANG2 ZHU4 DI4 city 岱 temple, arrive seal a day of jade Huang crest, constitute long ten kilometers of of hell-the human life-heaven of a stalk line.
泰山又称岱山、岱宗、岱岳、东岳、泰岳等。名称之多,实为全国名山之冠。泰山之称最早见于《诗经》,"泰"意为极大、通畅、安宁。泰山突兀的立于华北大平原边上的齐鲁古国,同衡山,恒山,华山,嵩山合称五岳,因地处东部,故称东岳,故有"五岳之长"的称号。 ....它东临波澜壮阔的大海,西靠源远流长的黄河,凌驾于齐鲁大地,几千年来一直是东方政治、经济、文化的中心。泰山有着深厚的文化内涵,其古建筑主要为明清的风格,将建筑、绘画、雕刻、山石、林木融为一体,是东方文明伟大而庄重的象征;几千年来,泰山成为历代帝王封禅祭天的神山,随着帝王封禅,泰山被神化,佛道两家,文人名人纷至沓来,给泰山与泰安留下了众多名胜古迹。泰山自然景观雄伟高大,有数千年精神文化的渗透和渲染以及人文景观的烘托而被称为"五岳之首",它是中华民族的精神文化的缩影,而今又成为世界珍贵遗产。泰山风景名胜以泰山主峰为中心,呈放射状分布,由自然景观与人文景观融合而成。从祭地经帝王驻地的泰城岱庙,到封天的玉皇顶,构成长达十公里的地府--人间--天堂的一条轴线。
第3个回答  2008-09-26
the Forbidden City 故宫
the Great Wall 长城
the Summer Palace 颐和园
the Ming Tomb 明十三陵
the Bird's Nest 国家体育场(鸟巢)
Tian'anmen Square 天安门广场
the Shaolin Temple 少林寺
Mount Tai 泰山
Shangri-La 香格里拉
第4个回答  2008-09-27
The Forbidden City was the Chinese Imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. Many of king inthe Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty is to live there.It is located in the middle of Beijing, China. It now houses the Palace Museum. It covers 720,000 square metres. And it would have800 buildings with 8,886 rooms.
dynasty 朝代,王朝
Imperial palace 故宫
locat 位置