like toy soilder这首歌的歌词及翻译


第1个回答  2011-10-21
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left   一步接一步,心连着心,左右左   We all fall down…   我们都倒下了…    [Chorus]   Step by step, heart to heart, left right left   一步接一步,心连着心,左右左   We all fall down like toy soldiers   我们都倒下了,像玩具兵一样   Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win   一点一点地被击垮,我们永远不会胜利   But the battle wages on for toy soldiers   但是战争仍因为我们这些玩具兵继续着   [Verse 1]    I’m supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure   我本应该像个战士般,从不丧失理智   Even though I hold the weight of the wholeworld on my shoulders   就算我扛下这一切的一切   I am never supposed to show it, my crew ain’t supposed to know it   我本就不该发泄出来,我的弟兄也没必要知道这些   Even if it means goin’ toe to toe with aBenzino it don’t matter   即便是有关Benzino的事接踵而至也无所谓   I’d never drag them in battles that I can handle unless I absolutely have to   我从不把他们拖下水除非我显然是不得不这么做   I’m supposed to set an example   我必须做出个榜样    I need to be the leader, my crew looks forme to guide ‘em   担当起领袖,我的弟兄们需要我来指引他们   If some shit ever just pop off, I’m supposed to be beside ‘em   如果哪个家伙突然挂了,我也得站在他们这边   Now Ja said "I tried to squash it, itwas too late to stop it"   现在Ja Rule说“我试图阻止这场口水战,但为时已晚”   There’s a certain line you just don’t cross and he crossed it   明明有条界限你没有越过但他越过了    I heard him say Hailie’s name on a song and I just lost it   我听到他在一首歌中念道Hailie(EMINEM的女儿)的名字我简直抓狂了   It was crazy, this shit went way beyondsome Jay-Z and Nas shit   疯了,这家伙正在重蹈当年Jay-Z和Nas当年的覆辙    And even though the battle was won, I feellike we lost it   而且就算我们赢了这场争斗的胜利我仍感觉我们输了   I spent too much energy on it, honestlyI’m exhausted   我花了太多的精力在这上面,老实说我已经精疲力尽了   And I’m so caught in it I almost feel I’mthe one who caused it   我已经身不由己了,就感觉这一切是因我而起的一样   This ain’t what I’m in hip-hop for, it’snot why I got in it   这不是我所要Hip-Hop的,也不是我进入Hip-Hop圈的原因   That was never my objec t for someone toget killed   我的目的绝不是要某人挂掉   Why would I wanna destroy something I help build   为什么我要毁掉我亲手建立起来的东西呢?   It wasn’t my intentions, my intentions wasgood   这不是我的初衷,我的初衷是善意的   I went through my whole career without ever mentionin’ Suge <– bleeped out   在我的说唱生涯中我甚至未曾提到过Suge(Suge被过滤掉了)   Now it’s just out of respect for notrunnin’ my mouth   我只是出于尊重,没有开腔   And talkin’ about something that I knew nothing about   谈论那些我本就知之甚少的事   Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn’t my beef   加上Dr.Dre叫我别插手,这不是我与Suge之间的摩擦   So I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth   我听了Dr.Dre的劝告,没有插手,咬紧牙眼睁睁的看着那家伙(指Suge)   While he’s all over TV down talkin’ a man who literally saved my life   在电视上诋毁对我有救命之恩的人   Like fuck it i understand this is business   操,我明白这只是商业战争,   And this shit just isn’t none of my business   这与我无关   But still knowin’ this shit could pop offat any minute cuz   但我知道这矛盾可能会随时爆发,因为……   [Chorus]   Step by step, heart to heart, left right left   一步接一步,心连着心,左右左   We all fall down like toy soldiers   我们都倒下了,像玩具兵一样   Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win   一点一点地被击垮,我们永远不会胜利   But the battle wages on for toy soldiers   但是战争仍因为我们这些玩具兵继续着   [Verse 2]   There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme   曾经你还可以饶着舌   And wouldn’t have to worry about one of your people dyin’   而不用担心你身边的人因此死去   But now it’s elevated cuz once you put someone’s kids in it   但现在事情开始严肃起来了,一旦你在歌中涉及到某个家伙的孩子   The shit gets escalated, it ain’t just words no more is it?   他会火冒三丈,不就是几句歌词吗?   It’s a different ball game, callin’ namesand you ain’t just rappin’   游戏已经不同了,当你在歌里提到某个人的名字时你已经不止是在饶舌而已了   We actually tried to stop the 50 and Jabeef from happenin’   我们确实有去阻止50cent和Ja Rule之间的口水战发生   Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him   我和Dr.Dre曾坐下来和他认真谈过    And asked him not to start it he wasn’t gonna go after him   叫他不要开骂,他也没打算回击Ja Rule   Until Ja started yappin’ in magazines howwe stabbed him   直到Ja Rule在杂志上叫嚣我们如何攻击他的   Fuck it ,50 smash ‘em, mash ‘em and let him have it   操,50cent,粉碎他,给他点厉害尝尝   Meanwhile my attention is pullin’ in other directions   与此同时我的注意力被转移到了另一个方向   Some receptionist at The Source whoanswers phones at his desk   Source的某个接线员(指Benzino)在办公桌前   Has an erection for me and thinks thatI’ll be his ressurection   那个一直对我有强烈性欲的人,以为我是他事业的转折点   Tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record   想要重拾麦克风出张新唱片   But now he’s fucked the game up cuz one ofthe ways I came up   但现在他不得不作罢了,杂志是我成名的其中一条路   Was through that publication the same onethat made me famous   因为正是The Source这本杂志令我成名   Now the owner of it has got a grudgeagainst me for nothin’   现在杂志社老板会无故忌恨我这怎么可能   Well fuck it, that mutherfucker can get it too, fuck him then   去他妈的,那混蛋迟早会与The Source反脸,干他!    But I’m so busy being pissed off I don’t stop to think   但我现在是不断的被人激怒,以至于我没时间停下来思考    That we just inherited 50’s beef with Murder Inc.    我们只不过是承接了50cent和Murder.Inc之间的争斗而已   And he’s inherited mine which is fineain’t like either of us mind   而他有个优点和我一样就是不会像我们中有些人那么把事情看得太认真(太介意)   We still have soldiers that’s on the frontline   我们仍有一帮弟兄在前线(指D12)   That’s willing to die for us as soon as we give the orders   愿意为我们赴汤蹈火只要我们下个命令   Never to extort us, strictly to show they support us   他们从不敲诈我们,的的确确表现出他们对我们的支持   We’ll maybe shout ‘em out in a rap or upin a chorus   我们或许会在说唱中念到他们的名字或者找他们跨刀献唱两句副歌部分   To show them we love ‘em back and let ‘em know how important it is   要向他们表达我们想他们回来,让他们知道   To have Runyon Avenue soldiers up in ourcorners   有一帮Runyon Avenue的弟兄站在我们这边是多么重要   Their loyalty to us is worth more than anyaward is   他们对我们的忠诚胜过一切奖项   But I ain’t tryna have none of my people hurt and murdered   但我从不希望我身边的人受伤或丧命   It ain’t worth it, I can’t think of a perfecter way to word it   这不值得,我想不到更完美的词来表达了   Then to just say that I love ya’ll too much to see the virdict   只能说我太爱你们不忍看到谁上法庭被处决   I’ll walk away from it all before I let it go any further   我会在事情进一步恶化前抽身的   But don’t get it twisted, it’s not a plea that I’m coppin’   但不要误会,这并不是说我要示弱   I’m just willin’ to be the bigger man   我只是想成为一个更强壮的人   If ya’ll can quit poppin’ off at your jaws with the knockin’   使你们不再因为口舌之争而引来杀身之祸。   Cuz frankly I’m sick of talkin’   坦白说我已经厌倦说话了   I’m not gonna let someone elses coffinrest on my conscience cuz   我不想再因为谁的死而产生负罪感,因为……   [Chorus]   Step by step, heart to heart, left rightleft   一步接一步,心连着心,左右左   We all fall down like toy soldiers   我们都倒下了,像玩具兵一样   Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win   一点一点地被击垮,我们永远不会胜利    But the battle wages on for toy soldiers    但是战争仍因为我们这些玩具兵继续着

很多年前 我也喜欢这首歌