
1 必须采取些措施来控制水污染。2 现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取这些材料并加以利用的方法。3 有人建议会议推迟到星期一举行。4 从所周知,自然光其实是由许多种颜色构成的。5 我区又办了一所中学。6 在地震中,战士们已救出1200人。7 华北地区遭受了一场意外的大雨袭击,引起了严重的水灾。

第1个回答  2011-10-24
1 must take measures to control the water pollution. 2 now have been found to take these materials out of rubbish and to make use of the method. 3 someone suggested that the meeting be postponed to Monday. 4 from the well-known, natural light is actually made up of many colours. 5 our area and do a middle school. 6 in the earthquake, the soldiers had rescued 1200 people. 7 north China was hit by an unexpected heavy rain attacks, which caused severe flooding.

参考资料:360翻译 希望采纳

第2个回答  2011-10-22
no.1 Some measures must be taken to control water pollution .
no.2 Now, some methods have been found to take these materials out of rubbish and make use of .
no.3 The meeting has been put off until Monday by someone 's suggestion .
no.4 As everyone knows , the natural light is actually made up of many kinds of colours.
no.5 Another middle school has been built in our district.
no.6 1200 people have been rescued by soidiers in the earthquake .
no.7 North China region was hit by an unexpectde heavy rain ,which caused severe flooding .
第3个回答  2011-10-22
1. Measures must be taken to control water pollution.
2. Method has been found to extract these materials from the garbages and made use of.
3. The meeting is suggested to be postponed until Monday.
4. It is well known that natural light is composed of many colours.
5. Another middle school is run by our district.
6. 1200 people were saved by the soldiers during the earthquake.
7. The northern area was attacked by an unexpected storm, and a serious flood was caused.本回答被提问者采纳