

第1个回答  2011-11-05
Starbucks coffee is not sell, is to relax. Ferrari sell not sports car, sell is a kind of approximate crazy driving pleasure and nobility. Rolex sell not list, is the feeling of luxury and confidence. Carlton sell not hotel, is comfortable with ease.
第2个回答  2011-11-04
It is not coffee but leisure that Starbuck sells. It is not sports cars but pleasant sensation and dignity which is approximate to craze that Ferrari sells. It is not watches but luxury and confidence that Rolex sells. It is not hotel service but comfort and ease that Carlton sells.



第3个回答  2011-11-03
it is not coffee but leisure that starbuck sells . it is similiar to the large charge of driving and the ennoblement that ferrari sells.it is the feeling of extravagant and the confidence of which rolex sells. it is not hotels but comfort and comfort easement that carlton sells.