帮忙用英语翻译 几个简单的句子 在线等 谢谢!

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1.-我想知道我能否问你几个问题 -好的,可以。 (wonder)

第1个回答  2011-10-27
1.--I wonder whether I can ask you a few questions.--OK,you can.
2.If time permits, we will go to play basketball
3.We don't permit smoking in the office, so we don't allow you to smoke here
4.He raised by his grandparents, because his parents by a car and killed at the scene.
5 If you have a driver's license, you can drive at will ,on the contray, if you don't have a driver's license, you can't drive
6.See this moving scene, I was deeply touched
7.No wonder your English is so good, for everyday you recite articles.
第2个回答  2011-10-27
No wonder your English so well, every day you are back to the original article.
第3个回答  2011-10-27
1 i wonder if i can ask you some question sure,here you go
2 we will go to play basketball if time permited
3 you are not permited to smoke here because we are not permited smoking here

5 you can drive at any time you want if you had driving license, contrary you can't.
6 i was deeply moved by this heart-warming scene追问

少一个 摆脱 35分会给你的


4 since his parents dead in a scene of traffic accident, he was brought up by his grandparent


第4个回答  2011-10-27
7.No wonder you English so well, every day you are back to the original article...追问

这位兄弟 感谢你的帮助


