“Treasure Our Lives”为题的英语材料作文(有案例,有呼吁,还有措施)奉劝司机朋友珍爱生命,切除莫酒


第1个回答  2011-10-19
案例 成南高速路上擦挂停车 未设置明显的警示标志 惨烈追尾3人身亡
. 译文 40 minutes or so, into the south JinTang high-speed bamboo punt-pole period serious accidents happen together. A car and a van to wipe happened after hang, with a truck parked in the driveway with emergency waiting for the traffic police processing. After parking cars not set warning marks, driver and four passengers stranded in also in the car. After few minute, speeding up from the back of a van to hit the car, killing three people died in the car, 2 injured. At present, the accident is still in further investigation.
It started with a little brush hang, but caused three dead and two have been injured in the traffic accident, police said, in addition to the van behind to assume corresponding responsibility outside, the brush before hanging occurs, the truck driver and car of improper disposal way, also be to cause the traffic accident is one of the important reasons.
呼吁 死亡是个沉重的话题。这不仅仅是一个生命的消失,不仅仅是个体的消失之痛,更是给家庭、学校、社会带来了一块永不可抹去的令人心疼的阴影。


译文 Death is a serious subject. This is not only a the disappearance of life, is not only the pain of the disappearance of the individual, is given to the family, school and society brings a piece of never erase's love of shadows.
Paul? Ko was gold once said: "the most precious is life, life to everyone only once." And we teenagers life is the flower bud, they will be glamorous sheen, beautiful and delicate but, more should cherish, don't let it die prematurely.

Travel security, not only in relation to their life and safety, is also the embodiment of the life respect for others, it is to build the harmonious society's important factors. Through the flow of vehicles running, "loving the life, safety travel" eight words in my mind appears more prominent.

Mention travel safety, it is hard not to let a person think of traffic safety. In daily life, traffic safety is always around us. As long as you travel, they play with traffic safety on the idea.
When walking a distracted, when crossing the street, a fluke, driving a violation, is only a little oversight, all this will make a life is transient. Fly xuan wheels will mercilessly devoured the pedestrian's life.
According to the statistics, the only in the first half of the year in hangzhou, because of the traffic accident will have 2863 people were injured, including teens make up 84 people! 84, a thought-provoking Numbers, we should take good self-reflection is not? Traffic safety, importance should be attached to not?
When we walk in the street, will always find some people cycling retrograde, random rush, overload, fatigue driving...... These traffic violations of numerous examples. And these countless examples, the more should make we improve the traffic safety attention. Otherwise, we may not easily in between, lost the life most precious thing!!!!!
Life and death, only during reading!!!!!
Some people, it is because the traffic safety knowledge of light, led to a self physical damage. Because do not pay attention to the traffic safety, and thought that after a successful, often will succeed, just caused great loss.
Everything comes from life. When you are climbing the fence, when you cross the road, and when you on in the overload vehicles, do you realize that they might be about to lose the next second life?
Anyway, my friends, please from this time paying attention to the traffic safety! Only one life, besides we teens also just slowly born the sun?
Future waiting for us to create, let us in to the sunshine preceeding, enjoys the life like!
Obey the traffic safety, cherish life--let safety walks with us! And life peer!
措施 安全行车十五想:

(一) 行车上路要小心 平安二字值千金

(二) 司机一滴酒 亲人两行泪

(三) 心急不吃热豆腐 开车不开英雄车

(四) 滴酒不沾 出行平安

(五) 安全意识抛脑后 事故发生忙个够

(六) 生命最可贵 平安是幸福

(七) 礼让为先人人敬 强超抢会是祸根

(八) 平安藏心间 礼让应率先

(九) 家人盼你平安归 亲人等你去团圆

(十) 方向在手中 安全记心中

(十一) 驶上高速路 莫要抢速度
(十二) 抢道不是英雄 让行才是风尚

(十三) 把稳方向盘 不开英雄车

(十四) 途中无事故 等于高速路

(十五) 无知小孩出车祸 父母首先有过错

(十六) 占道摆摊又设点 防碍交通最危险

(十七) 护栏保安全 翻越最危险

(十八) 交通规则靠大家 人人都来维护它
(十九) 高高兴兴出门 平平安安回家
译文 Death is a serious subject. This is not only a the disappearance of life, is not only the pain of the disappearance of the individual, is given to the family, school and society brings a piece of never erase's love of shadows.
Paul? Ko was gold once said: "the most precious is life, life to everyone only once." And we teenagers life is the flower bud, they will be glamorous sheen, beautiful and delicate but, more should cherish, don't let it die prematurely.

Travel security, not only in relation to their life and safety, is also the embodiment of the life respect for others, it is to build the harmonious society's important factors. Through the flow of vehicles running, "loving the life, safety travel" eight words in my mind appears more prominent.

Mention travel safety, it is hard not to let a person think of traffic safety. In daily life, traffic safety is always around us. As long as you travel, they play with traffic safety on the idea.
When walking a distracted, when crossing the street, a fluke, driving a violation, is only a little oversight, all this will make a life is transient. Fly xuan wheels will mercilessly devoured the pedestrian's life.
According to the statistics, the only in the first half of the year in hangzhou, because of the traffic accident will have 2863 people were injured, including teens make up 84 people! 84, a thought-provoking Numbers, we should take good self-reflection is not? Traffic safety, importance should be attached to not?
When we walk in the street, will always find some people cycling retrograde, random rush, overload, fatigue driving...... These traffic violations of numerous examples. And these countless examples, the more should make we improve the traffic safety attention. Otherwise, we may not easily in between, lost the life most precious thing!!!!!
Life and death, only during reading!!!!!
Some people, it is because the traffic safety knowledge of light, led to a self physical damage. Because do not pay attention to the traffic safety, and thought that after a successful, often will succeed, just caused great loss.
Everything comes from life. When you are climbing the fence, when you cross the road, and when you on in the overload vehicles, do you realize that they might be about to lose the next second life?
Anyway, my friends, please from this time paying attention to the traffic safety! Only one life, besides we teens also just slowly born the sun?
Future waiting for us to create, let us in to the sunshine preceeding, enjoys the life like!
Obey the traffic safety, cherish life--let safety walks with us! And life peer!