
Is money everything ?
As it is firmly believed that money is very essential to us. Having money we can live in luxurious house, eat senior food, travel to wherever you like. However, since money can bring us so many things, is it means that money is everything? The answer is obviously no.
Firstly, money can't make us have true friends, though you may find the richer you are, the more people want to be your friends. Friendships of this kind are always not genuine, once you loose your fortune you loose your "friends". Only with sincerity can we make true friends. Money plays an unimportant role in making true friends.
Secondly, money can't buy life . Whether rich or poor, god is justice, he didn't allow money to turn the wheel of time backward, however rich a person is, he is bound to leave the world. Only these who have a positive attitude to life won't feel regret when he say goodbye to the world.
Apart from those mentioned above, there still remain many things that money is unable to do. Money can't give us a dependable lover, money can't offer you happiness, money can't provide you with a healthy body...
Taking all the factors into account, we can finally reach the conclusion---money isn't everything.

第1个回答  2011-10-14
travel to wherever you like,我觉得whereever 改为 anywhere 更好一点。money can't make us have true friends 有点太chinglish 了,中国式英语。可以改为 money can't bring us true friends. 这句话“Friendships of this kind are always not genuine, once you loose your fortune you loose your "friends".说的太绝对了,再就是“失去”就lose, 而不是loose, loose好像 是“松弛”的意思。可以改为“This kind of friendship is usually not true. Once you lose your money, you lose your friends.”这句话“ Money plays an unimportant role in making true friends. ”感觉起来怪怪的,去掉比较好。这句话“Apart from those mentioned above, there still remain many things that money is unable to do. ” 里面的remain 应为remains. 希望对你有点帮助哦
第2个回答  2011-10-14
Is money everything ?
As is firmly believed ,money is very essential to us. With money we can live in luxurious houses, eat nice food, travel to wherever you like. However, since money can bring us so many things, does this mean that money is everything? The answer is obviously no.
Firstly, money can't help us have true friends, though you may find that the richer you are, the more people would like to be your friends. Friendships of this kind are always not genuine; once you lose your fortune you lose your "friends". Only with sincerity can we make true friends. Money plays an unimportant role in making true friends.
Secondly, money can't buy life. Whether rich or poor, God is equal with everyone, he didn't allow money to turn the wheel of time backward, however rich a person is, he is bound to leave the world. Only these who have a positive attitude to life won't feel regret when he says goodbye to the world.
Apart from what have been mentioned above, there are still many things that money is unable to do. Money can't give us a dependable lover, money can't offer you happiness, neither can money provide you with a healthy body...
Taking all the factors into account, we can finally reach the conclusion that money isn't everything.
第3个回答  2011-10-14
第4个回答  2011-10-25
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