when I go on trips I keep everything 下面还有很长是篇完形填空

when I go on trips I keep everything 下面还有很长是篇完形填空

第1个回答  2019-02-12

When I go on trips I keep everything from bus tickets to leaflets and I always take 13. hundred of photos and look at them when I get home. I love thinking of happy memories and 14. enjoy exciting adventures I have had. One of the 15. interesting ways to remember things is to read old letters.

Living abroad this year has 16. 点击答题 made me think about how I keep in touch with my family and friends. One of the things I 17. 点击答题 doing most is writing to them. I sit down with a cup of tea and write down everything exciting that has 18. 点击答题 to me in the past few weeks. It 19. 点击答题 me think about all the amazing things and reminds me of how20. 点击答题 I am to be able to experience so many new things. You can also leave a letter and come back to it 21. 点击答题 when you have thought of more things 22. 点击答题. It is also helpful if you don't have much time as you can write it over a few days.

Writing letters is an excellent thing to do, but I always think the best bit is when you receive a letter in reply!











第2个回答  2017-10-03
rdure of thick gardens, and the belfries of church