

第1个回答  2022-10-11


我有见到。但系当时我已经将 <<30天>>内无息退回 呢段cross左。有双方initial 在旁。变成 "the Landlord shall refund the Security Deposit to the Tenant without interest the date of delivery of vacant possession of the Premises......"


如他是公司业主, 一弹票可以告到衭甩.如是人名业主, 一样可以弹票,你唯一可做- - 要求他留下最新联络地址及手提号码同埋叫你位地产经纪 check下他是否已卖了楼而不想退回按金兼"走佬".
以上2者弹票后你可以住张弹票告上小额钱债.(5 万元以下), 因他是注册业主, 所以法庭是可以查到他的资料出 order. (但要注意他卖楼的代表律师不会提供卖家的资料出来除非法庭落order 通缉).,It is a normal practice to get back the deposit at the time the premises is handed over to the landlord. The repayment of the deposit me the landlord satisfied the condition of the re-possessed flat in vancancy. If the condition is not aeptable by the landlord, he could reject the delivery or deducted a portion of the deposit for say, repairing cost to be incurred by him.
So, a straight handover of the flat in vacancy with the payback of the rental deposit me all parties satisifed with each other and, presumably, no further action would likely be taken by each party thereafter. Moreover, this is usually the 'hand-over' clause stated in the tenancy agreement.,
