非谓语的例句谁有非谓语的句子 例句 中英对照的 15句就够


第1个回答  2022-11-01
1 To see is to beilieve 百闻不如一见
2 you should eat to leave,not live to eat你应该为了活着而吃,而不是为了吃而活着
3 it is very kind of you to help the poor 能够帮助贫困的人你真是太善良了
4 to tell the truth,I do not like the color 说实话,我不喜欢这个颜色
5 seeing is believing 百闻不如一见
6 I suggest doing it in a different way 我建议换一种方法作此事
7 she can'help laughing 她情不自禁的笑了
8 this bike needs repairing 自行车需要修理一下
9 they object to leaving school 他们反对离开学校
10 the day is so charming 天气是如此的 好
11 I saw a notice warming people not to *** oke 我看到一则通知告诫人们不要吸烟
12 he was seen going upstairs 有人看见他上楼了
13she looked disappointed 她看起来很失望
14 I could't make myself understood by the student 我无法让学生明白我的意思
15 although born a girl,she was treated as a boy 虽然天生是个女孩,但是他却被当作男孩看待