


第1个回答  2007-10-27
然我们称呼他为"总司令"西雅图,没有世袭酋长之间puget健全印度人。 Strong leaders arose in each village from time to time who, distinguishing themselves by the actions or particular skills, were respected and followed.坚强的领导人出现在每个村不时的人,区分自己的行动或特殊技能,得到尊重和遵守。 For instance, there were fishing leaders, peacetime leaders, and leaders in times of crisis.举例来说,有捕鱼的领袖,平时领袖,并领导人在危机时期。 Chief Seattle was one of those.行政西雅图是其中一人。 In addition to his leadership skills and his ability to understand what the white settler's intentions were, he was also a noted orator in his native language.除了他高超的领导艺术和他的能力,要了解什么白皮书定居者的意图,他同时指出,演说家,在他的乡土语言。 At the presentation of the treaty proposals in 1854, Chief Seattle delivered a magnificent speech, which is widely remembered today.在介绍该条约的建议,在1854年,首席西雅图发表了宏伟的讲话,普遍认为这是记住今天。 It is the speech of a man who has seen his world turned upside down in his own lifetime: as a boy, he had seen Vancouver's ships, and when he died the treaty protests were still going on....这是讲话的一个人看到了他的世界颠倒了,在他自己的一生:作为一个男孩,他曾看到温哥华的轮船上,当他死于该条约的抗议活动仍在进行之中… … Chief Seattle passed away in 1866....行政西雅图逝世于1866年… … From his grave on the Kitsap Peninsula the modern city of Seattle is visible across Puget Sound. 从坟墓就kitsap半岛现代西雅图市是全国有形puget健全。 Knowing some of the settlers as well as he did, the fact that the small village bearing his name survived and flourished would not surprise him.明知一些定居者以及像他那样,用事实,即小村庄轴承他的名字存活和繁荣将不会感到惊讶。 That his people have survived the challenges of this century would please him.他的人有生还的挑战,在本世纪将请他。
-From The Eyes of Chief Seattle , published by the Suquamish Tribe . -从眼中行政西雅图,由苏夸美什部落族人。
Chief Seattle's father, Schweabe, was a Suquamish chief who lived on Bainbridge Island , across Puget Sound from the present city of Seattle.

参考资料:google 翻译

第2个回答  2018-10-21
第3个回答  2018-10-22
西雅图酋长(Chief Seattle)(1786年 ——1866年6月7日)印第安人,黄种人,旧时称为红种人,美洲最古老的居民。是美国华盛顿州境内的印第安人部落的领袖,信奉天主教,乐于与白人移民共处并同西雅图的创立者之一戴维·斯温森·梅纳德建立了私人友谊。根据梅纳德的建议,西雅图得名于西雅图酋长。原名酋长希尔斯(Sealth),这中间因为一些口语误传,最后便成为Seattle
第4个回答  2012-10-20
西雅图的简介:西雅图酋长(Chief Seattle,1786年 - 1866年6月7日)是美国华盛顿州境内的印第安人部落的领袖,信奉天主教,乐于与白人移民共处并同西雅图的创立者之一戴维·斯温森·梅纳德建立了私人友谊。根据梅纳德的建议,西雅图即得名于西雅图酋长。
第5个回答  2020-01-02