

第1个回答  2011-12-18
1 call → phone(A)
2 conversation → talk (D)
3 proposed → suggested (C)
4 relied → depended on (A)
5 breaks → beats (B)
6 cheerful → happy(B)
7 exhibited → displayed(A)
8 fury → anger (D)
9 diligent → hardworking(C)
10 Persistent → Continuous(D)
11 eternal → everlasting(B)
12 wrecked → damaged (A)
13 authentic → genuine (D)
14 lure → attraction(B)
15 puzzle → mystery(D)
第2部分: 阅读判断
16 A. Right
17 B. Wrong
18 B. Wrong
19 C. Not mentioned
20 A. Right
21 A. Right
22 C. Not mentioned
第3部分: 概括大意与完成句子
23 paragraph 1 C Implications of chimpanzee extinction for humans
24 paragraph 2 E Genetic similarities between chimps and humans
25 paragraph 3 A Genetic differences between chimps and humans
26 paragraph 4 F chimps’ resistance to HIV
27 D human survival
28 E human genomes
29 C some diseases
30 B some human disease treatments
31 D in a very narrow range of temperatures.
32 B remains almost unchanged.
33 A is in the form ice at the Poles and on mountains.
34 B a very small amount.
35 C over the land than over the land.
36 C Neurons in the brain.
37 C to identify which parts of the brain are processing information.
38 A marking the parts of the brain that are processing information.
39 D two volunteers.
40 A Your Thoughts Can Be Scanned.
41 A line in an independent way.
42 B Finland.
43 C unwillingness to get married.
44 A She has a boyfriend.
45 D cautious about.
第5部分: 补全短文
46 F The campaign was initiated by the Independent newspaper.
47 D This has resulted in a 74 percent reduction in sales.
48 C This is because too much padding can give buyers a false impression of what they are buying.
49 E Tesco said it was saving 112,000 tons of cardboard a year by switching to reusable plastic crates(装货箱)for transporting it’s fresh produce.
50 B In Belgium when you buy something in a plastic or glass container, you make a deposit.
51 C rest
52 A before
53 B heart
54 D for
55 B risk
56 C evidence
57 D caused
58 B napping
59 C leave
60 B increases
61 A make
62 A when
63 D need
64 C effectiveness
65 B warn
第2个回答  2011-12-18

