
1 我听不懂你在说什么
2 我有急事,必须马上走
3 我们做个朋友吧

第1个回答  2007-11-11
1: 对朋友:I don't know what are you saying
礼貌地:I don't understand you

2: I need to go now. 这句话算是比较礼貌的,不用说是什么原因,人家会知道你有事

3:Can we be friends?比较亲昵的说法
Let's be friends!比较大方
Would you be my friend?也比较亲昵
Can I be your friend?也比较亲昵本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-11-10
I cant understand what you said(meant).
I have something urgent,i have to go hurriedly.
Let's be friends!
第3个回答  2007-11-10
I don't understand what you said.
I have something urgently,so I must go.
let's make friends with each other
第4个回答  2007-11-10
1,I can't understand what you are talking about.
3,Let's be fiend.
第5个回答  2007-11-10
1 I don't understand you Be saying what
2 I have urgent matter, have to walk right away
3 Let's are a friend